The Domesday Book of Queen's University

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The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

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[left column]Hayward William 50 Henderson P.R. 500 Hendry Mrs. Thomas 500 Hewitt Colonel 50 Hobert Geo. S. 100 Horsey R.M. 25 Hardy John C. 25 Ireland F.C. 50 Irving William 300 Ireland William 400 Johnson A.C. 100 Karch J.A. 20 Kent Rybert 100 Kidd William G. 25 Kirkpatrick Geo. A. 500 King J.G. 100 Kirkpatrick J.S. 100 Kirkpatrick Mrs. F.W. 200 Knight Arch P. 120 Mills J. Jr. 10 Machar John M. 100 Mahood W.J. 100

[right column]Marshall James 20 Martin William 100 Matthews R.V. 100 Lavell M., M.D. 100 Merrick Mrs. 100 Metcalfe Jas. H. 10 Mills Thomas 50 Mills George 50 Mingaye W.R. 20 Mitchell J.C. 25 Mooers H 100 Moore Thomas 100 Morrison J.L. 500 Mowat Prof J.B. 750 Mucklor William 25 Muckleston J.S. 500 Mudie John 200 Morton J.J. 10 Macauley Mrs. W. 100 Maculey Miss C.J. 100 Macauley Mrs. S.P. 100 Macarthur James 50

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[left column]Maculister A. 100 Macdonald Sir John 500 Macdonald Miss L. 100 Macdonald W.S. 100 Macdonald Mrs. W.S. 50 Macdonnell G.M. 1000 Mackerras Prof. J.H. 300 MacMillan John 100 Macpherson A.F. 100 Macpherson R. 100 McCammon Dr. Jas 100 McCammon Robt 100 McCaul Robert 10 McCartney W.&A. 16.50 McIntyre John 100 McIntyre Mrs. John 100 McKay John Jr. 100 McKay Mrs. John Jr. 100 McKelvey & Birch 200 McMahon Thomas 100 McMahon John 100 McNee James 500

[right column]McNeil Neil 50 McLaren Mrs. John 60 McRae W.R. 500 McRossie William 100 Newlands George 100 Nickle William 500 Noble Isaac 50 Parkhill J.Y. 20 Ross Alexr 150 Pense E.J.B. 100 Power John 40 Price Juage 100 McCuaig Rev. F. 20 Ramsay James 10 Redden James 100 Reese Mrs. William 10 Reid W.H. 25 Richardson James 500 Richardson W.L. 2 Richmond & Boyden 100 Robertson & Son 200 Robinson William 50

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[left column]Rogers R.V. Jr. 500 Rose R.M. 100 Scouse John 5 Scott Mrs. W.T. 100 Shaw Angus 50 Shaw Felix 100 Shaw Brothers 100 Shannon William 100 Smith Rev. T.G. 500 Smythe E.H. 100 Snook T.L. 25 Strange Dr. O.S. 100 Strange M.W. 60 Stewart W. 100 Sullivan Dr. Michael 100 Swanston A. 100 Swift James 100 Cunningham Samuel 10 Summerby W.J. 20 Thornton Samuel 25 Tossell R. 25 Tyner William 100

[right column]Waddington W. 20 Wade H. 25 Waldron R. 200 Walkem R.T. 250 Walkem J.B. 100 Welch & Son 100 White R. 100 White Samuel P. 100 Wilson Thomas C. 200 Wilson James 100 Woods Samuel 100 Wright Clark 100 Watson Prof. John 500 Williamson Prof. J. 1000 Wilson William 100 Yates H., M.D. 200 Cicolari A. 10 Creighton John 50 Heath Mrs. 5 Adams James 100 Bells Mrs. Mary 100 Breden William 200

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[left column]Orillia Alport A.S. 20 Alport C.B. 50 Allan J. 20 Beaton A.H. 100 Beetrum Peter 100 Black Andrew 40 Cooke Herbert 40 Forbes W.J. 100 Gray Rev. John 100 Home A. 4 Main Thomas 100 Millar Melville 50 Pace Robt. 100 Perry A.B. 50 Thomson T.W. 10

Orono Beith Alex 30 Brown Duncan 5 Colville James 100 Linton A.R. 20

[right column]McConochie Mrs. 2 McIntosh Hugh 5

Pakenham Blair William 5 Bowels John 5 Bowes Mrs. J. 5 Bowes James 3 Clarke R. 5 Carswell Allan 10 Conery S. 1 Conery James 2 Dickson S. 10 Dickson E. 8 Davie Mrs. R. 4 Dunnet B.W. 15 Francis J. 100 Gillies Jen 5 Graham R. 15 Halliday Wm. 15 Lindsay Mrs. W. 6 Mann Rev. Dr. 5

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1878-1879 Session Thirty-Eighth

The number of Students attending the Classes in Arts and Theology this Session was greater than that registered in any previous year since the Commencement of the College. The numbers in the several departments were as follows, In Arts 92 " Theology 18 " Medicine 60 170.

The Classes in Elocution were conducted this year by A. Melville Bell Esq., the Watkins Lecturer. Special Lectures also were delivered in Theology by the Revds. Dr. Bell, and Dr. Jardine, the Revd John Thompson of Sarnia, and the Revd. Dr. Kemp. The great work of this year was the prosecution by the Principal of the Building and Endowment Scheme referred to in the Annals of the previous Session. It was soon found that the estimates for the building were too low and that fifty or sixty thousand dollars would be needed instead of

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Painting and Glazing Wm Irving & Son $1078.00 Steam fitting Do 2350.00 Plumbing Do 166.00 Castings and Blacksmiths' work Do 1485.00 Tinsmiths work Do 737.00 Plumbago Roofing Do 276.00 Slater's work G. Duthie 920.00 Total 47,203.00

The Contracts thus entered into, provisionally, by the Local Trustees with the Contractors for the erection of the new Buildings were confirmed at the annual meeting of the Board on the 30th. of April, and the Chairman and Secretary were authorized to formally execute the same, and the Finance and Estate Committee were authorized, and instructed, to do all things necessary to carry out the said Contracts, on the part of the College. Operations were commenced by the Contractors as early as possible in the Spring, and on 30th May, in the presence of an enthusiastic assemblage of spectators, the foundation stones of the new College building were laid by the Governor General, the Marquis of Lorne, and H.R.H., the Princess Louise. The Chancellor constituted His Excellency a Member of Convocation by laureating him with the Degree of LL.D.

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conferred on him by the Senate. The very Revd. John Jenkins, D. D., the Moderator of the General Assembly, offered the dedicatory prayer. The Mayor of the City, in the name of the people of Kingston, asked the illustrious visitors to lay the foundation stones of the building, a memorial of the enlightened liberality of the Citizens. At the close of the proceedings His Excellency and H.R.H., assisted by Professor Williamson, planted memorial trees in the Campus. On 29th April, a series of By Laws for the election of Chancellor prepared by a Committee appointed for the purpose consisting of Messrs James Maclennan, G.M. Macdonnell, and the Registrar R.V. Rogers, were submitted and adopted at the Statutory meeting of Convocation. It was also resolved, that at the annual Convocation for the Laureation of Graduates the minutes of the previous Convocation should be held as read, that the Sponsio Academica be administered by the Registrar of the Senate, and that graduates simply signify their assent thereto by the word "Spondes." A committee was at the same time appointed to consider the advisability and feasibility of establishing a Faculty of Law in connection with Queen's University and to report. The Board of Trustees were this year called upon

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to record with deep regret the death of Wm. Ireland Esq., who for many years had occupied the position of Secretary Treasurer of the University, and in their Resolution on the subject thus spoke of him: "Faithful in the discharge of his duty, zealous for the interests of the University, and courteous in his relations towards all with whom he came in contact, he enjoyed throughout his long term of office the esteem and confidence of the Trustees." Several bequests were reported this year. Robert Sutherland B.A., Barrister at Law, Walkerton, Ont., a Graduate of Queen's University, not having any family, left all his property to his Alma Mater, in token of the benefits he had received from her and because he had never suffered prejudice in his student days on account of his negro blood, but to use his own words "had always been treated as a gentleman." The bequest included an excellent collection of books on Law, valued at $2000; cash to the amount of $8190, and some property in Walkerton which was subsequently sold for two or three thousand dollars more. A second bequest was of £200 Stg. from the estate of the late Alexr Rankin of Leamington, England, to establish a Bursary. A third consisted of $3800 towards the endowment of the University, and $1000 additional to found a Scholar-

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ship in Theology by the late Alexr. Spence, D.D. of St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa. On Convocation day a letter was received from J. S. Macdonald Esq., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, proposing to found a Scholarship to yield at least one hundred dollars per annum, and to be called the Marion Stewart Macdonald Scholarship as a tribute to his mother, whose name it will bear. This Scholarship is to be awarded to the most deserving Student from the County of Glengarry, should he require its aid. Preference is to be given to Orphans, and the Senate may divide it any year between two deserving Students. Besides the large library bequeathed to it by the late Robert Sutherland B.A., and other additions referred to in the Calendar, a gift from her Majesty's Government of the publications of the Scottish Record Office, consisting of fifteen large folios and several octavos, was received. These comprise the Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, the Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, the Registers of the Privy Council, of the Lord High Treasurer, the Exchequer Rolls, and all the Documents that bear on the History of Scotland from the earliest times. These publications form an addition to the Library that could

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Sapientia Et Doctrina Stabilitas.

Rev. William Bain, D.D. Perth Rev. Thomas G. Smith Kingston Rev. Daniel J. Macdonnell, M.A., B.D. Toronto Jarmes Maclennan, Esq., M.A., Q.C. Toronto Hon. Alexander Morris, M.A., D. C. L. Perth Geroge Davidson, Esq. Kingston Geroge M. Kinghorn, Esq Montreal Rev. Geroge Bell, LL. D. Walkerton Rev. John Jenkins, D.D. Montreal Rev. Daniel M. Gordon, M.A., B.D. Ottawa Geroge M. Macdonnell, Esq. B.A. Kingston James M. Grant Esq. M.D Ottawa Hon John Hamilton Kingston Jame Michie, Esq. Toronto Hon. John Hamilton, Chairsman G. dreland Esq. Kingston, Secretary Treasures Chancellor Rev. John cook, D.D., Quebec Principal and Vice-Chancellor. Very Rev. Geroge Monro Grant, M.A., D.D., Vice Principal Rev. James Williamson, M.A., LL.D.



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