Page Title | User Notes | Actions |
Charles Parker, Vittoria & Eliza Hill, Simcoe (1 Apr. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Charles Parker, Vittoria & Eliza Hill, Simcoe (1 Apr. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
George T. Wood, Windham & Amerilla Campbell, Louth (17 Apr. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-George T. Wood, Windham & Amerilla Campbell, Louth (17 Apr. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Thomas Rusling, Woodhouse & Elisa A. Deming, Woodhouse (18 June 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Thomas Rusling, Woodhouse & Eliza A. Deming, Woodhouse (18 June 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Andrew Adams, Woodhouse & Margaret Madden, Woodhouse (28 Oct. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Andrew Adams, Woodhouse & Margaret Madden, Woodhouse (28 Oct. 1850) | No notes | Completed |
Peter McKay, Port Dover & Jennet Clark, Port Dover (8 Mar. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Peter McKay, Port Dover & Jennet Clark, Port Dover (8 Mar. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Alex Turnbull, Middleton & Agnes Purvis, Woodhouse (26 Mar. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Alex Turnbull, Middleton & Agnes Purvis, Woodhouse (26 Mar. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Richard Letterman, Woodhouse & Agnes Weatherly, Woodhouse (30 Apr. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Richard Letterman, Woodhouse & Agnes Weatherly, Woodhouse (30 Apr. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
B.S. Morrell, Boston, Mass. & Sarah B. Gibbs, Woodhouse (15 May 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-B.S. Morrell, Boston, Mass. & Sarah B. Gibbs, Woodhouse (15 May 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Jesse King, Charlotteville & Margaret James, Charlotteville (15 Nov. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Jesse King, Charlotteville & Margaret James, Charlotteville (15 Nov. 1851) | No notes | Completed |
John Lamb, Ancaster & Catherine McCool, Woodhouse (29 Jan. 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John Lamb, Ancaster & Catherine McCool, Woodhouse (29 Jan. 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Daniel McCall, Charlotteville & Jenett Cowan, Charlotteville (29 March 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Daniel McCall, Charlotteville & Jenett Cowan, Charlotteville (7 Apr. 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Donald Tait, West Zorra & Margaret Forbes, West Zorra (29 Sep. 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Donald Tait, West Zorra & Margaret Forbes, West Zorra (29 Sep. 1852) | No notes | Completed |
Charles C. Brown, Walsingham & Eliza A. Bowman, Walpole (9 Apr. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Charles C. Brown, Walsingham & Eliza A. Bowman, Walpole (9 Apr. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
John Clark, Charlotteville & Catharine Mitchell, Charlotteville (13 Apr. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John Clark, Charlotteville & Catharine Mitchell, Charlotteville (13 Apr. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Ephraim Tisdale, Walsingham & Emaline Stuart, Townsend (3 May 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Ephraim Tisdale, Walsingham & Emaline Stuart, Townsend (3 May 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. J. Knowles, Walsingham & Anne Fulton, Charlotte (13 Jun. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. J. Knowles, Walsingham & Anne Fulton, Charlotte (13 Jun. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
James McBride, Woodhouse & Isabella Austin, Woodhouse (28 Sep. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-James McBride, Woodhouse & Isabella Austin, Woodhouse (28 Sep. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. Westover, Walsingham & May D. Culver, Simcoe (13 Oct. 1853) | 1 note | Completed |
Verso-Wm. Westover, Walsingham & Mary D. Culver, Simcoe (13 Oct. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. Mastertown, Simcoe & Eliza Ann Madden, Simcoe (14 Nov. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. Mastertown, Simcoe & Eliza Ann Madden, Simcoe (14 Nov. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. Dawson, Charlotteville & Agnes Cowan, Charlotteville (21 Dec. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. Dawson, Charlotteville & Agnes Cowan, Charlotteville (21 Dec. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Horatio Nelson Courtland, Windham & Sarah Jane Wilson, Windham (31 Dec. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Horatio Nelson Courtland, Windham & Sarah Jane Wilson, Windham (31 Dec. 1853) | No notes | Completed |
Samuel Allen, Walpole & Margaret Montgomery, Woodhouse (3 Jun. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Samuel Allen, Walpole & Margaret Montgomery, Woodhouse (12 Jun. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Richard B. Sheridan, Simcoe & Martha E. Wilson, Windham (17 Jul. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Richard B. Sheridan, Simcoe & Martha E. Wilson, Windham (17 Jul. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Abel Macdonald, Walpole & Jane Anne Hall, Walpole (24 Aug. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Abel Macdonald, Walpole & Jane Anne Hall, Walpole (24 Aug. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Aaron Austin, Woodhouse & Wilimina Ross, Woodhouse (4 Sep. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Aaron Austin, Woodhouse & Wilimina Ross, Woodhouse (4 Sep. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. A Green, Brantford & Maria Smith, Brantford (25 Sep. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. A Green, Brantford & Maria Smith, Brantford (25 Sep. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
David Weatherly, Woodhouse & Eliza Janner, Downy (12 Oct. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-David Weatherly, Woodhouse & Eliza Janner, Downy (12 Oct. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
John Charlton, Charlotteville and Ellen Gray, Charlotteville (1 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John Charlton, Charlotteville and Ellen Gray, Charlotteville (1 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
John Reid, Walsingham & Lucy Louks, Charlotteville (8 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John Reid, Walsingham & Lucy Louks, Charlotteville (8 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Samuel Brackenbury, Walsingham & Catharine Bray, Walsingham (9 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Samuel Brackenbury, Walsingham & Catharine Bray, Walsingham (9 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. Gage, Glanford & Eliza Gage, Oneida (20 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. Gage, Glanford & Eliza Gage, Oneida (20 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Joseph Holbrook, Oneida & Hannah Armstrong, Middleton (22 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Joseph Holbrook, Oneida & Hannah Armstrong, Middleton (22 Nov. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Richard Barnes, Simcoe & Christina Summerfield, Simcoe (5 Dec. 1854 ) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Richard Barnes, Simcoe & Christina Summerfield, Simcoe (5 Dec. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
John McKee, Stratford & Eleanor Jackson, Simcoe (23 Dec. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John McKee, Stratford & Eleanor Jackson, Simcoe (25 Dec. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
George Budd, Walsingham & Mary Smith, Walsingham (28 Dec. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-George Budd, Walsingham & Mary Smith, Walsingham (28 Dec. 1854) | No notes | Completed |
John McIlvanny, Walsingham & Jane Noble, Walsingham (5 Jan. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John McIlvanny, Walsingham & Jane Noble, Walsingham (5 Jan. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Wm. Allan, Woodhouse & Barbara Allan, Woodhouse (1 Mar. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wm. Allan, Woodhouse & Barbara Allan, Woodhouse (1 Mar. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
David Carnahan, Walsingham & Catharine Hanna, Walsingham (28 Mar. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-David Carnahan, Walsingham & Catharine Hanna, Walsingham (28 Mar. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Robert Evans, Oneida & Elizabeth Ward, Oneida (11 Apr. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Robert Evans, Oneida & Elizabeth Ward, Oneida (11 Apr. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
James Wartley, Woodhouse & Mary Ann Anderson, Woodhouse (21 Jun. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-James Wartley, Woodhouse & Mary Ann Anderson, Woodhouse (21 Jun. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Thomas McBride, Port Dover & Ellen Park, Port Dover (20 Jul. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Thomas McBride, Port Dover & Ellen Park, Port Dover (20 Jul. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Peter Milne, Simcoe & Catharine Campbell, Simcoe (20 Jul. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Peter Milne, Simcoe & Catharine Campbell, Simcoe (20 Jul. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Alfred Lailey, Toronto & Anne Pearsall, Toronto (18 Aug. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Alfred Lailey, Toronto & Anne Pearsall, Toronto (18 Aug. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Humphrey Jones, Port Dover & Alice Burton, Port Dover (28 Aug. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Humphrey Jones, Port Dover & Alice Burton, Port Dover (28 Aug. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Wilhelm Fisher, Simcoe & Catharine Fogt, Simcoe (6 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Wilhelm Fisher, Simcoe & Catharine Fogt, Simcoe (6 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Alex. Montgomery, Woodhouse & Joanna Collins, Woodhouse (8 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Alex. Montgomery, Woodhouse & Joanna Collins, Woodhouse (8 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Charles McGilvery, Port Dover & Fanny Kelly, Port Dover (29 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Charles McGilvery, Port Dover & Fanny Kelly, Port Dover (29 Sep. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Sam’l. R. Hesson, Stratford & Margaret J. Polley, Simcoe (21 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Sam’l. R. Hesson, Stratford & Margaret J. Polley, Simcoe (21 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Donald Munro, Charlotteville & Hannah Jennings, Charlotteville (20 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Donald Munro, Charlotteville & Hannah Jennings, Charlotteville (27 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Samuel Hawthorne, Townsend & Sarah Vance, Townsend (22 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Samuel Hawthorne, Townsend & Sarah Vance, Townsend (22 Nov. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
John Hamilton, Simcoe & Elizabeth Davis, Simcoe (21 Dec. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-John Hamilton, Simcoe & Elizabeth Davis, Simcoe (21 Dec. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Peter Whitehead, Simcoe & Mary Ann Howey, Charlotteville (27 Dec. 1855) | No notes | Completed |
Verso-Peter Whitehead, Simcoe & Mary Ann Howey, Charlotteville (27 Dec. 1855) | No notes | Completed |