James Hunter, Montreal & Marcella Grant, Longueil (3 Sept. 1835)



Status: Indexed


Know all Men by these Presents, that We
John Buchanan of Longeuil in the District of
Ottawa, Esquire and Roderick McKenzie of the same
place Gentlemen

Are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lord the King
in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, lawful Currency of the Province aforesaid, to
be paid unto our said Lord the King, or His Heirs and Successors; for which
payment well and truly to be made, We bind ourselves, our and each of our Heirs,
Executors, and Administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents,
Sealed with our Seals, at Longueil, in the Ottawa
District and Province aforesaid, Third day of September
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that whereas a License of Marriage
has this day issued from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the said Province
of Upper Canada, for the purpose of joining together in Holy Matrimony

Francis Hunter of the City of Montreal, Esquire
Merchant and Marcella Grant daughter of The
Honorable Alex Grant of Longueil, Spinster

Now if it shall appear that there is no affinity, consanguinity, pre-contract, or
any other lawful cause or impediment, to hinder their being so joined together, as
aforesaid, then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force
and virtue.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered,
in presence of
John Buchanan

Chs P [Niadwill]

Rob McKenzie

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