Dorland Noxon, Sophiasburgh & Susan M Stevenson, Hallowell (22 Jan. 1829)



Status: Indexed

Whereas Dorland Noxon of Sophiasburgh County of
Prince Edward
, Midland District, Upper Canada son of
James Noxon and Elizabeth his wife and Susan Mary
of the Township of Hallowell County aforesaid
daughter of Timothy Stevenson and Phebe his wife (the
former deceased). Having laid their intention of
marriage with each other before two monthly meetings
of the religious Society of Friends held at West Lake
in the county aforesaid, and they having consent
of Parents and nothing apearing to obstruct their proposals
of marriage was allowed by the meeting.

These are to certify that for the accomplishment of
their intentions this twenty second day of first month in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
twenty nine. They the said Dorland Noxon and Susan
Mary Stevenson
appeared in a public meeting of said
Society held at West Lake and the said Dorland Noxon
taking the said Susan Mary Stevenson by the hand did on
this solemn occasion declare that he took her to be his
wife promising through divine assistance to be unto her a
faithful and loving husband until seperated by death or
words to that effect and then the said Susan Mary Stevenson
did in like manner declare that she took the said
Dorland Noxon to be her husband promising through
divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and loving
wife untill seperated by death or words to that import.
And the said Dorland Noxon and Susan M Stevenson
she according to the Custom of marriage assuming the name
of her husband as a farther confirmation thereof did then
and there to these presants sit their hands.
Dorland Noxon
Susan Mary Noxon

And we being present have
subscribed our names as witnesses

Samuel D Cronk
John Stevenson
Willm Jas Thomas
Stephen White
John Cooper
Peter Leavens
Eliza Cronk
Lydia Jane Barker
Sarah Hubbs
Rebecca Barker
Lydia Fox
Lydia Bowerman
Sarah Hill
Jonny Cunningham
Abigail Hill
Phebe Cronk
Ruth Cooper
Catherine White

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