





In reply to an address by the Prime Minister of Quebec.

Mr. Prime Minister, I thank you from my heart for your generous words of welcome. I recognise that they are a tribute to the King through his representative, and I shall have much pleasure in reporting to His Majesty this expression of loyalty and devotion on the part of the great Province of Quebec. Here, as you have so happily said, the Canadian nation had its birth. Here, as you have so happily said, the Canadian nation had its birth. Here the early history of Canada was made. Here famous deeds were performed, a proud memory for both France and Britain. He who comes today to Canada as GovernorGeneral stands in a high line of succession, and at the moment I feel more conscious of the merits of my predecessors than of my own capacity.

Sir, it is the glory of our Empire to embrace within its confines many races and many traditions. It is in its variety that its strength lies, for it is no dull piece of mechanism, but a rich and organic unity. Among its peoples none has behind it a finer record of achievement than the French race in Canada, and none has older and closer links with Britain. The head of a great Oxford College, when he was here last year in connection with the Jacques Cartier celebrations, told you that Quebec and England were alike in this, that they both began by being colonised by settlers from Normandy. As for my own country of North Britain, to which the Normans scarcely penetrated, I need not repeat that for centuries Scotland was the ally of France.

I cannot offer you adequate thanks for the kind words you have spoken of myself. One of my most cherished hopes in coming to Canada is to see more of Quebec and its gallant, laborious and peaceloving people. As an historian I am naturally drawn to a race who

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



have history in their bones, and who jealously conserve the heritage of their fathers. But, indeed, whatever one's special interest may be - whether it be the traditions of the past, or the economic possibilities of the future, or sport, or natural beauty - Quebec will amply satisfy them all. I look forward to nothing with a livelier satisfaction than the prospect of returning here and getting to know you better.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



Premier of Quebec.

Je vous remercie de tout coeur de vos généreuses paroles de bienvenue. Je sais aussi qu'elles sont un hommage au Roi par l'intermédiaire de son réprésentant, et je serai heureux de faire connâitre à Sa Majesté les manifestations de loyauté et de devouement de la part de la grande province de Québec. C'est ici comme vous avez dis si bien, que la nation Canadienne est née, la qu'a debuté l'histoire du Canada, la que des actes de bravoure ont été accomplis - souvenirs glorieux pour la France et l'Angleterre. Celui qu'arrive aujourd'hui au Canada comme Gouverneur Général prend sa place dans une longue ligne d'hommes illustres, et en ce moment j'ai plus conscience du mérite de mes prédécesseurs que du mien propre.

C'est une des gloires de l'Empire, Monsieur, de renfermer dans ses confins bien des races et bien des traditions, et c'est cette diversité qui fain sa force. Cette force n'est pas une chose méchanique, mais bien plutôt une magnifique harmonie de l'organisme.

Parmi ces races nulle n'a dans son passé de plus beaux antécedents que la race Française au Canada, et nulle n'a de liens plus anciens et plus étroits avec la Grande Bretagne. Le Principal d'un illustre Collège d'Oxford vous a dit, lorsqu'il était ici l'année dernière, à l'occasion des fêtes de Jacques Cartier, que Quebec et l'Angleterre avaient entre elles un point commun, celui d'avoir été d'abord colonisées par des colons Normands. Quant à mon pays du Nord, l'Ecosse, où les Normands ont à peine penétré, je n'ai pas besoin de répèter, que, pendant des siècles, il a été l'allié de la France.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu



Vous avez accueilli non seulement le réprèsentant de Sa Majesté mais aussi ma femme et moi par des paroles si généreuses qu'il m'est difficile de trouver des mots qui expressent bien tout ce que je ressens. L'un de mes plus chers désirs en venant au Canada est de faire plus ample connaissance avec Québec et son peuple, courageux, laborieux et paisible. Comme historien, je m'interesse naturellement à une race qui a l'histoire dans les veines , et qui garde jalousement l'heritage de ses pères. Mais à vrai dire, quelque soit la chose à laquelle on s'intéresse plus spécialement, traditions du passé, resources économiques de l'avenir, sport, beauté de la nature, Québec nous satisfait amplement. Je n'envisage rien avec une plus vive satisfaction que mon retour ici , et la certitude d'apprendre à mieux vous connaitre.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu


Prime Minister of Canada

(Mr. Prime Minister),

I thank you from my heart for your generous words of welcome. I recognise that they are a tribute to the King through his representative, and I shall have much pleasure in reporting to His Majesty those expressions of loyalty and devotion on the part of the great province of Quebec. Here, as you have so happily said, the Canadian nation had its birth. Here the early history of Canada was made. Here famous deeds were performed, a proud memory for both France and Britain. He who comes today to Canada as Governor-General stands in a high line of succession, and at the moment I feel more conscious of the merits of my predecessors than of my own capacity.

Sir, it is the glory of the Empire to contain within its confines many races and many traditions. It is in its variety that its strength lies, for it is no dull piece of mechanism, but a rich and organic unity. Among its peoples none has behind it a finer record of achievement than the French race in Canada, and none has older and closer links with Britain. The head of a great Oxford College, when he was here last year in connection with the Jacques Cartier celebrations, told you that Quebec and England were alike in this, that they both began by being colonised by settlers from Normandy. As for my own country in north Britain, to which the Normans scarcely penetrated, I need not repeat that for centuries Scotland was the ally of France.

One of my most cherished hopes in coming to Canada is to see more of Quebec and its people. As an historian I am naturally

Last edit over 1 year ago by Khufu
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