
Item is a diary.





Town from there with a grist of wheat for ourselves Wellie and Will Goodfellow called on us Tuesday evening. his school is finished Voltie stayed all night with Mr Watson Thursday night and came down home on Friday and brought medicine for the family. Wellie has had the grippe so he can help take care of us

Monday 18th Voltie got up early this morning and went across the river for Dr B. Ed Bates went with him, got back about noon. Im better any way. I dont think I need a doctor. Wells pretty bad. Dr left medicine for Wells, Grace & Maude and I. Wells is mad that Voltie went for a dock

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



says it is 3 dollars thrown away says Rum is the stuff. going to send tomorrow by Wellie to get rum. Grace, Wellie and Ed Bates going to Kingston tomorrow if good day. Bob Horn here waiting for the Dr to take him to Geo Ranous The Ranous family all down with grippe. Voltie and Bob H saw the Dr across the river again. The Dr, Bob H and Ed Bates ate dinner here Will Dixon went to Kingston

Dec 1893 Tuesday 19th Stormy day so did'nt go to K after all. Ed came early but went back to Bill Smith's again after going to post Office to mail letters for Smiths folks & Grace. Grace sent letters to John and Nellie Guy. Will came and brought two lemons fresh ones he

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



gave Ruth Woodman one. Sam & Ruth are both sick with Grippe. Frank Woodman in Kingston sick with Grippe. I churned. I sent Sam and Ruth 2 quinine pills. On evening Voltie carried them some honey and in return they gave him some sweet apples.

Dec 20 Wednesday. Grippe hangs on yet. Wells cough pretty bad and my throat is sore. Wells went to the barn. The day is very pleasant. I read most all day. Wellie came and carried home his crock of butter and a big piece of cheese. Will
Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



is canvassing for seed potatoes and doing good business. Wellie and Grace are intending to go to the city tomorrow. I have got so I can eat potatoes and gravy. James McKay was carried to the Marysville to day to be doctored for his foot.

Dec 24 Thursday. Wind blowing a gale from the South this morning so Wellie and Grace stay home. I can wash dishes now but my head and throat is sore yet and a hard cough. I knit on the choir tidy to day and drink lemonade. Maud takes a nap every afternoon. V thinks he is coming down with gripp too. Welly and Grace intend going to K tomorrow, a cloudy day

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



Dec 22 1893 Friday

Jan 4th Friday 1895 A clear bright winter day and all are well. Each member of this family are at their respective employment. Bamford is mending old harness. Voltie working in the blacksmith shop. Mart choring around. Wells Jr here twice, very happy, cheerful and pleasant. Shelly Niles here visiting all afternoon. I darn Marts old macknaws and Mart overalls, sew carpet rags and make nine prints for Market

Dec 23rd Saturday. Saturday 5 Jan 1896 Very cold morning, river frozen from shore to shore fore noon. Mart and V drew hay PM, sawed wood and went skating. Shelly Niles came and staid all PM. Wells Sr & Will went to Marysville for groceries and coal. An intensely cold day, came home after dark, very cold. Geo Rattray scattered coal all the way from the village to Rogans because his end board was up.

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu
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