
Item is a diary.





July 23rd Sunday 1893. A fine cool day after yesterdays rain. We are realy [sic] alone all day except Shelly Niles came a little while. we sleep & read and do just as we have a mind too. We had green peas and Raspberries for dinner

Monday 24 July A fine cool day Wellie, Will and Mart haying. Grace piercing a wollen [sic] quilt and sewing carpet rags. I am in the rag trade too
Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu


62 Tuesday July 25 - 93.

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



28 September Saturday 1894 1898

The Watsons came again Harry Watson & Lib and stayed stayed 5 days this time. I hope this is their last visit for a while, a year at least and three years for Harry if ever

Some time in Nov one Saturday eve The Watsons burst in upon us again. J W Watson and Wife stayed again till Thursday, Well when again

[practice writing various samples of letter T]

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



Dec 17th - 1893 Sunday A long time ago since I wrote in this diary. Voltie came home a week ago friday. Winter is come earlier this year than usual. The North channel is not quite frozen over but the Pierpont could not get in to Breakeys bay on Thursday last, which was a great disapointment [sic] to so many who had gathered there to go to Kingston to get their Christmas things. I have been sick with Grippe a week and sick enough too. Wells sick the same length of time. I am better but I dont think Wells gets along very fast he goes

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu



out door too much. He ought not to go out at all. Poor dear little Grace is half sick with grippe takes care of us all, and does all the house work. Maude is sick too with the same complaint but is better. Mart has had a cold all the week, and this morning Voltie is sneezing, going to have grippe too I guess. But Oh I thank god we are all living yet and I feel more and more every day how dependent we are upon his mercy. Well the boat couldn't get into Hallidays Thursday. But this past week the boys have butchered. Voltie went to Charleys Wednesday evening with team thinking to go from there on the boat Thursday morning but no boat so drove to Marysville and went to

Last edit 6 months ago by Khufu
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