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the Ships Company and inspecting the
Sick, went to General Quarters. Sent for
to an American Ship, in consequence of a
man having fallen from her maintopsail
yard: he afterwards overhauled the Ships
Books, Warrant Officer's accounts and had
a look at my Sick Book, with which he
appeared satisfied, perhaps from not knowing
the Latin names. After having lunch below
with the Commdr and Suite, he ordered the
hands to be turned up, and addressed the
Ship's Company saying he was very highly
pleased with their efficiency in seamanship and
gunnery: afterwards complimented Christians
for the discipline under which the ship, and after
speaking to each Officer he left for the shore, it
of course being the last inspection on board here.
In the evening Commdr and some of the officers
went on shore. Turned in very early.

April 8th. A fine mild morning with an
occasional shower of rian. A few cases of
Diarrhoea occurring, but none of a serious type.
In the afternoon had an invitation from the
Admiral to dinner but having suffered for
some time from a Chronic affection of the ancles. I was
obliged to send an apology and was glad to
get to bed.

April 9th Kept my bed all day after seeing
the Sick in the morning, suffering severely from
the pain in my legs.

Friday, April 10th Good Friday, Buenos Ayres

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