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the New Uniform: unfortunately I have none, and not
able or willing to get any, there being every probability
of soon getting our relief from England, God grant it
may be the case. Had another row with the Commdr
about a patient of mine, altogether very uncomfortable.
Deal received a note from Machell, saying he was a
Gaucho and very comfortable & contented. In the afternoon
a party of ladies and gentlemen came off to
see the Engineers and vessel; they made a great noise,
and I felt glad to get into my cabin, and keep closed
doors, and actually went to sleep under the influence of
their sweet music as one of them had a tongue, with
which she made more noise than the Clapper of a bell.
I was glad to hear them go away.

April 6th. Beautiful weather, tho' cold. Boat
went as usual for Commdr who did not however
come off. In the afternoon a message came
on board saying the Admiral was coming
to inspect ship, in all probablility for the
last time. In the evening being very cold,
I turned in early but they made, a horrid
noise in the Gun Room, playing at whist.

April 7th 1857 Wedding Day
At Buenos Ayres. At 9 Commander came
off, and everything was got in readiness for
the reception of the Admiral and Suite in
his fast inspection. At a few minutes after
10 came off in the Galley and a very strict
inspection of the decks, holds, bilges, engine room
Ship's Stewards, Store room - after mustering

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