March 20th Shortly after daylight observed HMS
Wasp, coming in under sail. Clear List. Great
preparations making for the 29th which will of
course end in smoke. Captain Fellows & Lieut
Boyer arrived with a party of Marines.
In the afternoon it blew fresh no communicaiton
with the shore. In the evening I had a
severe attack of Diarrhoea and vomiting & passed
a very restless night.
March 21st. A very cold morning but very fine
old Ross and Higgs still on shore. Still very
unusual, fortunately none sick. A little before dinner
Ross came off. Mr Piddell a Master from
the Wasp gave us a call, also Gordon one of the Suffs
of the Harrier and a youngster. Blowing rather
fresh, and an unpleasant motion in the ship
from her occasionally touching. In the afternoon
Lieut Buchell and a youngster came on board
in the Flag Ships launch, carrying a brass twelve
pounder, which we hoisted in board. We have
now above 200 in the Ship and expect some more,
where they are to be stowed, I can't fancy. In
the evening had a quiet game at whist & after a
pipe turned in.
Sunday March 22nd 1857 At Buenos Ayres
Sent boat for Commdr who came off, but still no
appearance of old Higgs. Only one on the List
About 9 it began to blow a little fresh. 9.30 sent
boat with dispatches for the Admiral. No appearance
yet of the English Mail. A Mr Mackenzie came off to
dinner. Went early to bed.
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