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going ashore directly afer. In the forenoon
some gentleman came off to dine, but I did
not meet them: they all went ashore at 5, so
we had a very quiet evening.

March 15th Blowing hard all night, and a
little sea got up, and in consequence we could
not send the usual boats. In the afternoon it moderated
and some Officers went on shore. The
evening very cold. At 8 the Menaic Steamer arrived

March 17th A beautiful calm morning, sent a
boat for the Commdr, who shortly returned with
a new first gig in tow, purchased on shore by
order of the Admiral. After Quarters exercised shifting
and furling sails and sundry other evolutions.
Heard that the Fever had reached Monte Video
but from all I could learn, it was merely a
surmise from fear. Yellow Jack never having
been known there. In the afternoon Commdr and
some Officers went on shore. Played 4 handed
cribbage in the Gun Room, & turned in at 9.

March 18th Heavy rain, with lightning. At 8 it
cleared up and we had a beautiful day, enlivened
by the Band playing some very pretty airs.
Sent boat for Commdr. In the afternoon it came
on to blow, and the appearance of the sky was
threatning, by 8 in the evening we had any
quantity of rain and lightning.

March 19th A wet morning. No one on the list
except an old Bandsman. In the evening
every appearance of a blow, by 9 PM raining hard.

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