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anchored off the port of Paranda. In the forenoon a
Brazilian Officer from a Steamer came on board. Most of
the Officers went ashore to a ball in the evening. Had to
look at our Mess Books, and found we were above £90 in debt.
the evening cool and few mosquiotes.

March 6th. At anchor off Paranda. Several of the Officers went
away shooting, but returning with very few birds.
In the afternoon Major—and his lady came off to
see the ship, and hear the Band play. In the evening
the Officers went again ashore.

March 7th At 4 lighted fires, got steam up, and
at 5.30 weighed and went down the river for Rosario.
Passed several Schooners and sloops. At 3 PM we
sighted Rosario, and at 3.30 anchored off the
town, the Band playing much to the amusement
of the people on the pier. No Saturday night.

Sunday March 8th Going down the River.
At 10.15 the Admiral gave an order for Divisions
but shortly before a Pampero came on, with any
quantity of lighting, thunder and rain. There was
no Church or Divisions. We did not anchor till
half past nine, at the Mouth of the River.

March 9th. At 6 got under weigh for Buenos
Ayres, passed several Merchant Craft and at 2 PM
came to an anchor. Admiral & Suite went on
shore. Got letters from L., M., Mr. Machel and Fred.

March 10th Being anchored rather too close
to a Yankee Merchant Ship, we were obliged to
unmoor again, and pick up a new billet. Sent
a note ashore to John Kirk, but on return of
the boat, I was informed he went home as mad

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