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large ship. At 3 dined with Commdr. On coming on
deck after dinner was suprized to see one of the
Petty Officers in irons : it seems he had been put there
by Pridham : when the Commdr came up they had some words
which terminated by Pridham being put under arrest.
In the evening played whist in the cabin.

August 29th Still a strong breeze and nasty - At 8
Commdr sent for Pridham, but I was unable to find out the
result; Such judged from appearances that the whole affair
would come before the Admiral, and therefore kept out of the way.
Now saw the land on staraboard bow. Discovered that
Christian had given orders to Pridham to navigate the Ship,
but no longer to be Commanding Officer.

August 30th At 2 am stood in for the lands; daylight
[Oleida?] on our Sec bow; a strong breeze running 9 knots.
At 9.30 lighted fires & got steam up. At 11 how to and hosited
a signal for a Pilot : at 1 Pilot came on board but could
not go in the tide not out answering till 4.30 when we got
in and moored in a most bungling manner, it was
seven o'clock before we were finished just at which time
two gentlemen from the shore came on board : after
smoking and a glass of whiskey toddy they went on shore with
two of our officers : Commdr went to the Consuls.

August 31st Blowing very fresh : had an visitation to
a drive in the country : heard that Cholera was raging
fearfully at Bahia, people actually dying in the streets.

Employed watering ship. At noon went ashore with most
of the Officers, and accompanied Sennow to a dentist where his
he had a tooth stopped : afterwards had a carriage and went
out to Cashnagar with some gentlemen, dined, played at bowls
and returned to Town about 8. Had a row with some

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