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Mail and I had the usual letters from Mother and Sissy: in the
Papers we saw Pridham's promotion which gave me very great
pleasure, as he will in all probablility have us on our arrival
at Buenos Ayres: an hour afterwards we passed a Brazilian
Corrienthe in tow of a Steamer, Commdr went on board. The
weather again becoming very cold. At dusk came to an anchor.
Had cards in the evening. An Eclipse of the moon at 10

May 2nd At daylight again started, and by 10 we were off
Panama, when we came to an anchor: Commander and Hughes
went ashore. After dinner Clayhills and Gunner went shooting
and the Purser went up to town: weather very cold but dry
At 7 the sportsmen returned bringing a few snipe & partridges.
Turned in very early.

May 3rd At daylight another shooting party went away. 9 Purser
came back from town. Diarrhoea again appearing among the
Ship's Company. At noon the party returned but with very few
birds - Passed a Brazilian Steamer having in tow a 10 gun
brig. Mr and Mrs H went ashore to see the town. In the
afternoon weighed and dropped down the river opposite to
where the remainder of the coals was, & again anchored and
got a hawser out for transporting the gunman. In the evening
Commdr & Mr Hughes went ashore, so I was left to entertain Mrs H.
The mosquitoes very troublesome.

May 4th Commdr went away shooting: employed coaling
Vaccinated little Johnny Hughes: at noon Commdr came back
with four brace of birds. Purser again went to the town, very
anxious to have me with him, however I felt more at home on
board. At 1, a Brazilian Screw Steamer of War passed down
the River. In the afternoon another partridge went away,
returning about dusk for a good many birds : Commdr and
Hughes went ashore: had singing and music in the cabin.
Purser went to town as usual. 9 Commdr and Hughes came on board.

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