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[damaged cover]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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Dec 20th

Chin Chin for Joss - In a Bungalo, having gone ashore in a Land Pan. after getting drunk on Brandy [parsney?] low.

January 13th. Paid off Coombs Senior consequently without a Servant or Sick Bay Man, having to clean my own shoes, make my own bed and attend to the Dispensary.

February 1st Engaged a new Servant, a Marine (Cavannah)

April 4th Payed Cavannah two months wages.

May 9th Had Boy Sec. as a Sick bay attendant agreeing to give him 5/ per month, he was discharged and got Boy Majr. about the middle of May

January 11th 1857. Sunday. Gave the damned youngster of an Assistant-Master, a quiet reprimand with a warning that on the first time he insulted me, I would be obliged to punch his head.


Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu
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September 19th Cut throat

[initials] HHM

68 - 6 - 9 36-17. 8 Div 1st 31-9-1. To Chard. with whom I must be almost square 19-8 Gars

Tot £32 g Mn the 8th of October - paid my arrears of Mess money

Whenever we can manage it [?] shall book it It was

Sept 1856 Lvs £ 41.17.3 Deal

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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Febry 11th at Corrientes

Last edit 7 months ago by Khufu
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HM Steamer Rifleman Continued from other book 1855

Tuesday April 24th. At Corrientes. At daylight the Flambeau got steam up preparing for going down the River, which I was very glad of, as we expected a return call from her officers. At 7 Commdr went ashore. 8:30 Brazilian Steamer lighted fires and went down. Sent the Corporal ashore for two missing Marines, who he brought on board about 5 one, my servant who was drunk and commenced fighting as soon as he came on board, giving one of his messmates a fearful hammering for which he was put in irons with some difficulty, and afterwards made use of very mutinous language. In the evening some of the officers went ashore to arrange about a [underline]Tiger hunt[/underline] - Mosquitoes as bad as ever. Turned in but not to sleep. April 25th.. At daylight the Tiger expedition landed, to ride out for three leagues: at 7 a shower of rain: 9 every appearance of a Pampero: very hot with thunder and lightning. Several visitors came on board again: in the afternoon. I went ashore about my washing, and having to change an ounce lost by it 3 1/2 dollars. Came on board before sunset: shortly afterwards the party came back without having seen a single tiger or shot a single bird worth the trouble of bringing back; all of them very tired and hungry. At 8 a Pampero came on with very heavy rain, fortunately no mosquitoes, the wind being too strong for them, had it been otherwise having all the skylights closed and hatchways covered with tarpaulins it would have been impossible to breathe.

April 26th At 7 Commdr went on shore for our passengers: brought on board some boat loads of ladies and gentlemen; among the latter my friend a German Surgeon, with whom, I had a long chat in French: about 9 the ladies and some of the gentlemen left, and we hove short, having lighted the fires about an hour before: only one lady passenger

Last edit 7 months ago by Queen's University Archives
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