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round his fields found four men lying asleep in a
shanty, and a boat hauled up on the beach close by;
the men were armed and one of them he knew to be
from Buffalo and an accomplice of the notorious Lett,
who has since openly expressed his regret at the
failure of the attempt — The barrel bore the mark of
a brewery in Buffalo and contained upwards of 100 lbs
of powder.

Some days prior to this he attempted to
destroy Lock No. 37. on the Welland canal which connect
the navigation of Lake Ontario with that of Lake Erie.

The attempt was also made by means of gun powder
On the explosion taking place, it was found that the
head gate of the upper Lock at Allanburgh was completely
destroyed. Fortunately a guard lock had been
constructed at this important point at a short space
above the injured Lock the gates of which closed immediately
from the force of water rushing into the Lock
below, and thus preventing the whole body of water above,
from descending into the canal and the surrounding
country and causing ruinous and
extensive damage to both.

It is by such means that a continued system
of terror excitement and agitation has been kept
up on the whole frontier since the first outbreak in the
upper part of the Province particularly along the Lakes
the great rivers, and large villages situated
upon the Canals which has within the space of a few
years become the rendezvous of a mass of human
beings of every colour and country — the crews

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