transporting them to the states for sale, the purchase
money was paid in Bank notes he had abstracted from
the letter bags. The dates and numbers being known
the parties presenting them became implicated in the
robbery so far as the act of uttering went. The notes were
handed over to the Bankers by the venders. The sale
became void, and the farmers refused to give up the
Cattle to Kelly who thereupon became furious, threatning
death and destruction to the persons and property
of any one who dare oppose his removing them.
On Government receiving information that it
was the intention of a band of villains to seize the
cattle and remove them from the island by force, application
was made to Captain Sandom Commanding the
Naval establishment for assistance.
One of Her Majesty's Schooners was despatched
to the thousand islands for the protection of the inhabitants
and by means of armed Boats to scour the Lake and
use all means for his apprehension, at the same time
directing the Officers not to infringe upon the American
waters, and on no account to attempt to pursue him
towards that shore.
Lieutenant Mc.Clure anchored his vessel
close in to the westermost point of Grenadier Island
whilst Willoughby the other Officer proceeded to the
Easternmost where he established a bivouac on the
island in a commanding position which offered a
good sweep for his twelve pounder over the surface of
the Lake. Every suspicious Boat that approached
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