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that I have invariably found that retired Officers
from the navy but more especially those from the Army
make the worse settlers, and are considered to be less
calculated for emigration than any other class that
come to this country. These gentlemen enter upon a new
mode of life so totally different to what they have ever
been accustomed to, that by far the greater part too
frequently sink under the privations, sickness and
difficulties to which the new settler is continually disposed.
The shores of Lake Erie are likewise much occupied
with this class of emigration, unable to bear up
against the toil and embarassment of a forest life
ultimately abandon their farm in disgust, which
they either sell or let, and with their families become
residents in some of the towns situated on the shore
of Lake Ontario and the banks of the St. Lawrence
where they become what the Americans call loafers
that is to live a life of idleness without any occupation
beyond fishing and shooting. Those of this class who
do not succeed had much better have remained and
starved in the old country for which they sigh and
ever repent the day of their departure.

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