They state that the lands on its border
and banks are good. Altho this Lake lies between
the Lat of 45 and 47 it freezes over in the winter
so as to afford a passage on the ice for three months
in the year. It is united to Lake Erie by a cove.
This Lake was the theatre of important operations
during the last war with the United States.
In 1814 a strong reinforcement arrived from one
Army of the Peninsula from the South of France,
which enabled Sir George Provost to place himself
at the head of 11,000 men with whom he
undertook to carry the war into the enemys
country, he proceeded to the attack of Plattsburg
on the Western borders of the Lake and which
was defeuded by 2,000 Americans, Malcolm
the American General on being pressed by a
superior force fell back on this town which was
his main position and which he had strongly
fortified - Sir George on the 11th September arrived
in front of it, but the naval forces under
Captain Donnie destined to co'operate with them
was attacked defeated and captured under the
eye of the General and the whole British Army.
Provost sounded the retreat, conceiving after
this disaster that any success in storming the
Enemys Position would be fruitless as to utter
objects and a useless sacrifice of men. He immediately
withdrew his Army. This course
was highly disapproved of by all, and most
justly so. The American Army was not more
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