Port Denison Times, 21 July 1866, p2 [1]





THE BLACKS.—Our Port Denison intelligence is replete with aboriginal outrages and they can be paralleled in almost every quarter of the insufficiently protected Northern Queensland. Emboldened by inpunity [sic] the natives show considerable talent for mischief if not for work, and we are informed that for ten days they stuck up Arthur Downs head-station, almost preventing ingress or egress, and detaching small detachments of their force each day, to watch every shepherd in charge of a flock. An appeal to Nebo for police assistance met the usual response, Mr Blakeney having no troopers at his disposal. If the settlers are not protected, a war of extermation [sic] will undoubtly [sic] ensue.

Last edit 8 months ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict
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