



Status: Incomplete

failure, and study out the "Gain" of
this "Loss." As to the shirt - buy one
to suit your own taste, and then
take good care of it. If you prefer,
I can send you one, if you give precise
directions. Avoid excessive
exertion and be careful about cooling
off too suddenly, or sitting in a draught.
Sitting on the ground or grass [?]
breathe, sometimes causes [?]
[?], and makes one a cripple for
life, as one of my friends learned
by a sad, sad experience.
Aunt Sarah returned on Wed. 16th
quite tired out, and needing change.
She is very rested, and feels better,
but Time [?] mark in weaknesses
and infirmities.
To-day I am obliged to attend
to, my Reveau Sax. I dread it
I can assure you. Your ride in
the buggy when you [?] passing
your Hills must have been fun for
one who has rode so little.
Who paid for the buggy, and did
Mr. Taylor let you go or did you
steal away? Not the latter, I hope,
for I want my Son always to show
his Mother's good bringing up
by obedience to Teachers, and to
law. I have seen so much discredit,
yea dishonor put upon
Parents by my pupils, that I hope
my children, will always set a
good example to others, and keep
a good conscience for themselves.

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