I wish you would send me a sheet of court
plaster so if you have some broken send me a
piece. Don't worry about me. I have lots to
write but will tell it to you next vacation
only 8 weeks more Hurrah Hurrah
Write, Write, Write, Write, Write.
[sideways Write, Write,
Write, Write
Write. Write]
Andover Sept 24 1864
My Dear "Dad"
I received your letter of the 19th
inst. Wednesday. If it had come one day sooner I would
have answered it immediately but coming as it did on
the last day of the Latin week and having a "tougher than
tedious" Greek lesson to get for the morrow I have not been
able to reply to it till to day. The first lesson in Greek
that we had this week was in Grammar. There were
31 "flunks" to 1 good recitations and out of the seven
probably only two or three did not make one mistake, &
even these if called on in some places would have "flunked"
Quite an auspicious beginning wan't it? Give my love to
Mattie Tefft and to Aunt Henrietta. My health is
good, better than I expected it would be I only hope
it will continue as good as I wish it be. I can keep
up with the class by studying moderately hard, and if
I have first rate health I can do better than keeping up
merely. As to writing so many letters to ------ I know no
such person or persons as -----. but if by that you mean
my friends, I will only say in reply that I am willing
to practice a little self-denial in writing if my friends
[left margin sideways]
Give the enclosed paper to Rev. Mr. Eaton.
You may read them about the penny post if you want to. don't show it.
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