Colonization Reports 1825-1831





ATS. Soc. of Inq. Colonization Comm,; Reports, 1825-1831

Last edit 6 months ago by akim24


The commitee on colonisation by law to submit tofollowing as Report

As your commitee excluded his views to due subject of slavery, due duty our country in a ... to it in a report by Mr.Greenie at the dote of due last term, they will.... to a simple placement of a simple statement of ... using the year path.

The commitee house met once in three weeks, have ... time, to the ... planned much... but little

The objects of conflict ... house more espescially had their eye are four. (1) To... the subject of Houseby before the Christian public. (2) To obtain a physician to go to Liliana, (3) To obtain a suitable missionaey for the same station. (4) To decide means to start an spi.... On their points we propose to re...k very briefly. To keep the subject of slavery before the Christian public. In order to do this your your comittee have spared no pains to feel the subject deeply themselves. They have correspond ed with Mr. Gauley, Agent of Amer. Col. Soc. at Washington City; with Dr. Idyes Leefon Hacy, L.H.Z. ... . It was thought a good method to awaken the public to this subject to ... the anniversary of our country into a religion celebration. Accordingly, your Comitteewrote pieces recom-

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Last edit 6 months ago by dkizghin25


meaning that the 4th of July ... celebrated, that due subject of slavery the ... These pious were ... in due...the commitee are having to any that in .... they were ca... into other .., the effect was visible. They have also taken ... in connection with the .. of... to ... the ... listefd at 1 am as commitees.. which were defined for publication in Boston were... by a judicous writen in the .... the pieces of this written your committee are happy to say are a ... to be re-printed in a pamphlet for distriubtion in the Jouthem county.

2. To obtain a physician to.. Your commitee hired various people to obtain such a man, and while they were countering their expectations, a ..offered himself to the faculty , and was acepted, and is now ... on his way to Africa.

3. To obtain a missionary to deliver the ... respect to say that they have not been a .. to .. and a man met they have not been a .. in this vicininty that offered to supplant a missionary in Africa if the missionary can be found. It is certainly a very detestable thing that a missionary ..... Dr Aryus... that there are ten millions of people... among ...

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Last edit 10 months ago by Joe G


whom he might labor with great success. The Con. canvestly hope that such a man will soon be foudn, + they indulge the belief that he will be.

(4) The African College.

You can have conversed ? on this subject- have voted that it is desirable to have such a College; but still they have done nothing towards it, unless it be to lead some fun to drink of it. They have conversed with Dr Griffin + several other intelligent ? + nen on the subject- all as when are warm in its favor, + who think it might be effected. The Con. are not prepared to day whether it had best be located in this country or in Liberia, should it succeed; but they believe the public are nearby or quite rife to have it proposed.

The com. have requested Mr. G. K. Pomeroy to take the agency of the African Repository in the Seminary. It may be to thiss peculiar relation but your com. have ? this pub. lication with usual interest, + if others can do so they wish then to paternize it.

In reviewing the year the Com. have more to regret their want of power to accomplish much than the want of the disposition. They have felt much for Africa, ? couuld nor did then. But they are confident that a brighter day is about to dawn over this unhappy portion of their species. They would arge their society to continue its efforts with a ? They would recommend the it to take a firm + manly stand against the evil of slavery, +

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Last edit 6 months ago by akim24


[illegible] of from comes mentions of the committe have, [illegible] in the Portland Mirror. In the Boston Recorder and Centinel, and also in some country papers. The various discussions, which have occupied the meetings of the committee, have now for their object the best methods to awaken and [illegible] public opinion with reform to colonization of slavery. they believe that this time is near, when an [illegible] & efficient system of means will he adopt[ed] through the whole country. they think it highly expedient and practiable very shortly to establish in [illegible] of the large towns in the northern states, small committees of efficient men, who will feel a personal responsibility to guide public opinion - to [illegible], when the time comes, among the people, memorials to congress, and in [???] ways to [...] the great cause. [???] or [???] [...] [...] committees [...] and me beginning to correspond & co-operates N in the denign of the coloration [...] the petition [con?] the national

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Last edit 6 months ago by akim24
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