



Status: Needs Review


Dear Samll.

I under stand by your father that yor
uncle thinks common chairs is sufficint
answers the end well he sais when theirs is such
chair, everything ectroydenary is expected
and if so disadvantage attending ther may be some
disadvantage attending. But if has
amnind to take the chairs at the 2 years end what
need you be concernd about that the conditions
they would not have them at that price opon
any other conditions I don't sopose I told your
father perhaps they wood more be wanted perhaps than 2 years
if you lived at coledg after you took your
degre & he though youd beter be absent one year.
I sopose there will be no difficulty about
furniture its very likely if you don't
have these chairs there will be some others
and soon. Hope you wont make your
self uneasy about thes things it must
be just as your father pleases. You say
he must never expect a beter peneworth he
must take his chance I shant be wanting
in the affair. If you have any broken
thenne dont fail to bring them hom.

In very grat hast from
your very affectionat
Elizabeth Phillips

send the
desk at Commensment
by Mr. Pepody

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