p. 229


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3 revisions
Kareobl at Jan 19, 2021 08:08 PM

p. 229

by Father Assanto a Dominican Friar
who became very rich + lived 113 Years +
died in 1613 . in Prague from a Fall
down stairs—

243. The The Fiery [ symbol] to extract
the symbol mercury from All [symbol?] Metals

R [symbol] [symbol] . [symbol] it + extract the [symbol]
which f in the follo : [symbol]— 4 Fingers high
Close it well + digest for [symbols at least 6]—
put on the Head of the [XX] . + [L symbol] gradually
If the Sp: rises first. digest again— + if
the Phlegm [eunes?] over without the
Sp: it is a Sign the Sp: is fixd in the
[symbol} .

p. 229