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2 revisions | heatheralr at Jun 19, 2024 08:11 PM Page 87272D AIRCRAFT GUNNERY GROUP (USAFE WPN CEN)
7272d Air Base Wing
APO 231, New York, N.Y.
23 July 1953
Miss Frances Ward
Reader's Digest
Research Department
230 Park Avenue
New York 17, New York
Dear Miss Ward:
I am enclosing the form questionnaire forwarded by your depart-
ment to me in connection with research being done for Mr. Ryan's
book about D-Day.
Judging from the wording of the questions on your form, I would
gather that Mr. Ryan is more concerned with individuals who actually
landed in Normandy on D-Day rather than those of us who flew missions
out of England in support of the effort. However, for whatever value
they may have, I have provided answers to your questions.
I am also enclosing an extract of a diary I kept during that
period. I have changed none of the wording contained in the original
diary. It might be well for your department to recognize that the
words were written by a very impressionable, very enthusiastic and
very young fighter pilot.
I am being transferred from this station to Washington in the
very near future. I shall be assigned somewhere within the office
of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. At this time I have no
forwarding address nor even a contact point that I could furnish you
for further reference. I hope the information I am forwarding will
be useful.
Very truly yours,
Robin Olds
Colonel, USAF 7272D AIRCRAFT GUNNERY GROUP (USAFE WPN CEN) 23 July 1953 Miss Frances Ward Dear Miss Ward: I am enclosing the form questionnaire forwarded by your depart- Judging from the wording of the questions on your form, I would I am also enclosing an extract of a diary I kept during that I am being transferred from this station to Washington in the Very truly yours, Page 8 |