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4 revisions | Aaron VanHove at Apr 11, 2024 08:03 PM 1October 28, 1969 Dear Mr. Richards, Thank you for your letter. I shall send my biography. You are trying to cover a lot of territory in one report. Why not restrict yourself to only one area. Sincerely, Julian Bond Mr. John Richards 1Representative Julian Bond Dear Mr Bond: Every February United Theological Seminary Sponsors a Converence of college students who spend a weekend exploring important dimensions of a current issue. This year we shall deal with the reasons for the student unrest on college campuses. Again we expect to follow the pattern of having severl nationally porminent leaders provide an address and engage in dialogue with the students. The committee which is planning this conference has urged that I request you to be a participant in the program. We hope that you may be available either on Saturday, Feruary 15th [Circled, written]can't do it or Saturday, February 22nd [Circled, written]can't do it. We are prepared to meet your expenses and provide an appropriate honorarium. The Conference has come to be one of the most important meetings of college students in the Upper Midwest. In previous years approximately 300 students have been present from more than thirty colleges and universities. Thewy represent a thoughtful cross section of college age youth. It may be of personal interest to you that the Rev. Chester Marcus was our speaker at theopening convocation several days ago. We were delighted to have the opportunity to award a Doctor of Divinity degree recognizing his work as a leader both in the field of social action and international missions. I understand from him that he has been acquainted with your family over a period of years. I trust that you will find it possile to respond affirmatively to this invitation. The enclosed ulletin provides some information about one of our previous conferences. Representative Julian Bond Dear Mr Bond: Every February United Theological Seminary Sponsors a Converence of college students who spend a weekend exploring important dimensions of a current issue. This year we shall deal with the reasons for the student unrest on college campuses. Again we expect to follow the pattern of having severl nationally porminent leaders provide an address and engage in dialogue with the students. The committee which is planning this conference has urged that I request you to be a participant in the program. We hope that you may be available either on Saturday, Feruary 15th [Circled, written]can't do it or Saturday, February 22nd [Circled, written]can't do it. We are prepared to meet your expenses and provide an appropriate honorarium. The Conference has come to be one of the most important meetings of college students in the Upper Midwest. In previous years approximately 300 students have been present from more than thirty colleges and universities. Thewy represent a thoughtful cross section of college age youth. It may be of personal interest to you that the Rev. Chester Marcus was our speaker at theopening convocation several days ago. We were delighted to have the opportunity to award a Doctor of Divinity degree recognizing his work as a leader both in the field of social action and international missions. I understand from him that he has been acquainted with your family over a period of years. I trust that you will find it possile to respond affirmatively to this invitation. The enclosed ulletin provides some information about one of our previous conferences. Representative Julian Bond Dear Mr Bond: Every February United Theological Seminary Sponsors a Converence of college students who spend a weekend exploring important dimensions of a current issue. This year we shall deal with the reasons for the student unrest on college campuses. Again we expect to follow the pattern of having severl nationally porminent leaders provide an address and engage in dialogue with the students. The committee which is planning this conference has urged that I request you to be a participant in the program. We hope that you may be available either |