Untitled Page 63


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4 revisions
leesa at Nov 05, 2020 10:23 PM

Untitled Page 63

FEBRUARY 27 19 H. in bed with flu. Girls & Hugh to S.S. Robin here & Betty Nan- Carrow 19 Mary in bed with sore throat. H. out for dinner. Feeling very weak. Wote letters. 19 To shop. Snowing. H. & I to dinner at Col. Grant- Suttie's. Bishop & Mrs. Fleming there. 19 Twice to see H. at [[unclear]] hospital, in ward. 19 Marie Buchanan's lunch at U.W. Co - very nice. Tea at Mrs. Leighton Elliotts for Mrs. Weyman. very nice. mild & wet.


19 H. in bed with flu. Girls & Hugh to S.S. Robin here & Betty Nan- Carrow
19 Mary in bed with sore throat. H. out for dinner. Feeling very weak. Wote letters.
19 To shop. Snowing. H. & I to dinner at Col. Grant- Suttie's. Bishop & Mrs. Fleming there.
19 Twice to see H. at unclear hospital, in ward.
19 Marie Buchanan's lunch at U.W. Co - very nice. Tea at Mrs. Leighton Elliotts for Mrs. Weyman. very nice. mild & wet.