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5 revisions | AnnabelGerber at Jan 25, 2024 05:50 PM Mss-90-01-01-037our seamstress (?) to make some [shein] boots and mittens, and told her to start [poraping] a deer skin. When I [networked] from out on the ice I found her gone, where I could not acertain. I hitched up the dogs and put up a pole with a box nailed to it half way between this camp and the other camp. I then went to the other camp with some traps and incedentals [fox] them and returned home, bringing a load of wood with my. When I arrived at camp I found Galle home and teh seamstress just arrived. She said that she had been out on the ice wandering around following a fox track. That is all I could get out of her. Consequently she went [payperless] to bed. She will not work and sits about and disobeys orders and eats up our food and is being paid $50 a month for doing the opposite, always. Some times I think she is a little [touched] in teh head and other times just plain [ornery] Strong [creage] from East. Cold. Cloudy Mss-90-01-01-037 |