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2 revisions
alvoisard at Apr 21, 2023 01:23 PM


F. J. Norton

Filippo di Giunta (1450-16 Sept. 1517)
had his own presses - Aug 1503-17.
Renouard attributes 102 works to Filippio and
another 40 t. his heirs up to the end of 1520.
The greater part of his production consisted of
Latin, Greek or Italian texts of humanistic interest.

W. A. Pettas
The Giunti
of Florence
Z 232
G53 P47

Career of Filippo from its obscure beginning
with the artist Antonio del Pollainolo, through his
years as a stationier in parternship with his
brother Leantonio, and them as an increasingly
succesful humanist publisher with a variety of
editors in his employ. The major part of his
output was classical texts, first Greek and
then mainly Latin. For works in Italian were published,
but these include Dante's Divina Commedie,
Sannazaro's Arcadia and editions of Boccaccio,
Petrarch and Bembo. Filippo's firm played an
important role in shaping the intellectual history
of Florence and even Europe.

Partnership with brother Lucantonio - 1491-1517.
