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2 revisions | maxineh at Sep 05, 2020 10:42 PM 31925[310] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1796,
15, Some drops rain about day- Cloudy,smoky & warm. M.Biggers cut 4 Shoats yesterday & Spayed 5 today. Sent Frank with sleeve lining & hank silk to Doolin's and to Mr. Shepherd's for Dutch Oven,sent from Blair's. J.Taylor was here in evening. A Darby got Licence to day.
16, Wednesday, Smoke went off- North wind, clear and cooler. Macon Biggers found a little Wheat in Straw Stack, supposed hid by Old Peter. Also some in bag in Jim's room, suppose stolen by him. C.Taylor came to see Sary's young child(sick) he dined here. I walked with him in evening to J.Taylor's.
17, Sharpest frost this Fall- conitnues dry- wind South. I went to J.Taylor's- T.Barbour jr got there last night fr'm Fred'g. but was gone home before I went. I dined there, Jno.Nooe dc. Finished gathering corn & got all to stacks.
18, Very warm for the season.I met Reu Taylor at my gate, I walked & went to Court house with him- He dined with me as he returned. I carried 3 1/2 yds Drab Cloth &c to T.Doolin to get a Great Coat made. Got my close bodied Coat- very little of 3 1/2 yds left. I sent in morning and got a Sack Salt from T.Barbour's waggon at J.Taylor's.
19, Very little frost, fair, warm and smoky in evening. I took a purge- Saw Reu Taylor going to D.Triplett's, he got 5 hanks silk for me, called on his return & dined with me.
20, [SUNDAY] Smoky, warm, clouds and some drops of rain. I walked to J.Taylor's in evening- James Thomas (Culp'r) there.
21, Smoky, warm, dry. Mrs Gilden sent home 2 pair more Stockigns, making in all 7 pair- 5 was brought the 5th instant. I walked to Court house- got 1 yard Linen & 1/2 yd Jeans for my great coat & delivered to Doolin. Also got 1 1/2 yds cloth & 1/4 Tea, the whole from Barbour's store. Rec'd a letter from G.C.Taylor-informing that a waggon wou'd come off the 18th, past for his negroes &c.
22, Very warm,some drops of rain in day & shower in night & cool- Had 16 Hhds Corn put in New House. C.Taylor came here to breakfast, talked with him ab't having G.C.Taylor's fixed to get out when the Waggon comes for them &c. I was sent for & went to J.Taylor's- Aunt Taylor, Mr & Mrs Howard, Sally Burnley, C.Taylor & Reu Taylor & E.Chew dined there. J.Taylor got home in evening from Culpeper Court.
23, After the rain in night,clear & cold, sharp frost, fair. Had 14 Hhds corn put in new house. I went with C,Taylor in his carriage and purchased sundry articles for Cloathing G.C.Taylor's Salves, also a few things for myself- C.Taylor & I dined at D.Triplett's we got home after sunset-cool evening. G.C.Taylor's Jim went off this morning tho' forbid. I wrote to John Pendleton(from Triplett's) to send Will over. Had Cabbages taken up & set in trenches. I fear too dry.
24, Very sharp frost and cold-flying clouds. Gave the wroking people(except Jim) Stockings. After dinner I walked to J.Taylor's- Mrs Burnley & family & Mrs James were there. Col Barbour's wife came there about sunset. Had 6 Hhds Corn put in New house,making 36 Hhds put into New Corn House- M.Biggers kept 16 Hhds & put in his house and said he has used 6 1/2 Bus' _____Hhds has been put into Old Corn House & chiefly fed to Hogs & horses- The above made in Barn field, total _____.
25, Severe frost, cloudy and cold day. I walked to Doolin's, got my Great Coat- walked to Court house- got a few articles at Store. The posr did not arrive- J.Taylor & C.Taylor were at Store. We staid late expecting the post.
26, Clouds & spits snow last night. Extreme cold and clear day. J.Taylor jr, John Moore & Rob't Moore walked here from Maj'r Moore's, dined and staid till night with me.
27, Sharp cold continues, fiar morn, cloudy evening. I walked to C.Taylor's, Miss Sally Miller & Allan Nassey dined there. J.Taylor there in evening. -[SUNDAY]-
28, Continues cold but milder than before. Snowed a little. I went to Court, paid Jos Clark 6/- for Oysters rec'd the 11th. Gave Wm Tomlinson a letter for nephew *Wm Taylor of Kentucky. Rec'd no money. -[* son of Jonathan, in Ky prospecting--WKA]
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 25[310] DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR,1796, From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the South Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 319DIARY OF 1RA1'01S fAYLOR,l 796 ,·
l.5, some nrops rain abuut da.Y- 01ou<111 smolr3 & warm. M:.B1ggero cut, 4- Shoats yeater- )
uay & spayed , to day. sent l'4°~ w1th sleeve l.1n1ni & hank a1a t,o »0011n • S · . ·
an<i to Mr Shepnex-<1"
a tor Dutcn oven, sent trom BJ.air• s. J .iasior was here 1n
even1ng. A nar ·oy got, L1cenc$ to -d.ay.
16, wettr1est1ay• Smoke qnt, ort.·-· Horth wind, · clear au.<1cooler • .Ma.con_l31ggers .fOWl~
a l1ttlo wnea~ in straw stack 1 supposed b1~ by Uld Peter •. Also some 1n bag 1n·
J1m•s room, suppose stolen by h1m.. o.ta.ylor came to see uary•s young Chil<l( ·
a101e) ne <11ne<there. I walltEHt w1tn n1m 1n evenlng to J. taylor• a.
17, snar-pest rrost tbla Jallcont1nues ary- wind south. I went to J ..1·ay1or 1 er .Barbour Jr got t11ere last n1gnt
Rrea•g. but was gone• ·homel>etore 1
went. I '11ned there, J'n0•,11ooe do. F1n1shed gathering corn & got all tQ .stac.1.ts.
18, very warm tor t,he season. I met Reu Ta.vlor ·at my gate, I Walked & went tc oourt
house with h1m- Ho d1ned w1tb z.neaa he returned~ I earr1ed 3¼yds Dra~ Olo~h
&c to T.Dool1n to get a Great coat ma.de. Got my olose bo~1e4 coat- very 11tt1e ot .3½yds le tt. t sent 1n m<.:rn1ngand got a saclt Sal. t rrom :r.Barbour• s
wa.ggon at J ~ teylor' s.
19, very little
ta1r, warm and smoky 1n even~g.
I took a purge- Saw Reu
T~lor going to D.tr1plett•s,
he got 5 l1atlks s1.l:k ror me. cal.le« on tt1s tQtum
& 111nect. with me.
(SUNDAY]Smoley, warm, c1ou<1s a.r1C1•some d:ops rain.
I waue<1 to J .J93lor• s 1n ·
even1.ng- J&mes t .twmas ( CUlp• r) tne~e.
smoky, warm, <try. urs 0110.en sent n,.,mea pair more sto01c1nga, making ln all ..7
pair-- !> was brought tne ,5th 1nstant.
I wau.ettto Oourt ho\lse- got l. yar .o-. ~-x.1nen
& t y<1 Jeans tor my great coat ire <1e11vere<1to Doel1n. Alao got lt y<is Ul()th
& t iaa,
the whole trom Bart>out• s store. nec•·<t a letter from a.o.1:a_y1or-1ntorm1ng that a waggonwou•~ come- ott tne igin, past !Qr h1a negroee &e. ·
very warm,some a;rops ra.1n 1n <1a,& stt.ower 1n night. & cool- Ha<l 16 Hnae Corn put
1n Bew Hou.ae. a.Taylor
car:ie here to b:reakrast, .talked with him a1>•t nav1ng
o.o. taylor• a tlx<:Ht to s·et ottt ,vl'len tne waggon comes :tor tnam &c. I was eent ·
tor & went to J.ta3lor•sAunt ta,lo:rt !Ir & ~a Howard, SallY Burnley. o.Tay- ·
lor & Rel,l ~eylor & E.Cnew tl1ned. there, J •.tayl.or got home 1n ·evening .t·rom Oul.-:
paper Court.
Arter the r a1n in night,alear
& eol4,sbarp
Had 14 Hhds corn put 1n
new house. I went w1tn o, ta..y-lor 1r1 nie oa.rr1a.ge o.na.;vurcnas~Clsw1ary ar\1cl.es
tor Olea.thing o.c. ta3lor' a Slav-es. also a tew thlngs tc,r my.self• c .x~lor 1c :t
<11neQat D.triplett•s
we ~,rt home after aunset-oc;ol ~ven1ng. a.o.Ta.,y-lor•s J1m
went ott this morJ.,1.ng tno• rorb1d .. l wrote to .ron.n Pendleton( .rrom ~r1_ple1;;t•a)
.to seni:1 Wll.l. over. Had Cabbages ta.ken up & set 1n trenches.
1 tear too <try.
24 • . very snar1 .i trast amt cold-tJ.y1.ng clou<la. Gave tne worr.1ng people( exc~pt Jim)
~tocking&. Al~ter tt.lnner I wal,Jee<1to J .!feylor• s- Jira .Burnl.ey &: taml~ & Mrs
J.~es were there.
Co.l aart>our• s w1re came there about sunset. Ha.<16 Hhas corn
put 1n Bew house,mak1ng 36 Hh~s put 1nto Bew Corn House- x.B1ggers kept 16
Hhds & ~ ut 1n his n_s:1110
and sa11.1ne haS used 6i aus• __
...,..RlldSnas been put
1nto Old oon1 House & Ohletly te<l to Hogs & horses- the @ove ttu1.de 1n Barn
total ___
25, severe trost 11c1ou\1.yand cold <13.1
•. I walked to Doo1.1n•s. got my oreat ooc.1.t- .
wa.J.ke<tto · the oou.rt house- got a rew ar,101es at · store. ~he pear d1d not . mb
arrive- J .Taylor & c.raylor were at Stora. we staid late expecting the post ..
26 1 Clouds & ap1ts snow 1.ast n1gbt. Extreme OOJ.4and cl.ear de,. J .Tl,\Ylor Jr, John
Moore~ Rob't Moore walke~ nere .trom MaJ'r uoore•s 1 dinert an4 staid till night
with me.
2.1, s1:1arpcolu cont1nues, talr morn, ol.ouey evez11ng. 1 Walked to o.teylor• s, Miaa
Sally Miller & Allan uassey d1ne(l tne:re. J. tey19r tnere 1n even1ng .. -CSUBDAY)28, continues cold but m1140X".than l>etore •. S.nowe<ta ';·'l1ttle.
I went to Oourt, Pal<l
Jos Clark 6/- ror .oysters ree, ·d. the l.ltll •. Gave w.rn
1•om11nsona letter tor uephew •Wm Taylor or KentuekY. nectd no JnOt:tey. ~C• son or Jona.than, 1n K:f _proa_peot1ng--WKA)
---. --.-. ------~ - - -----~--... ·.- From the
Ii: /907Z
in the Southern Historical
of North Carolina
Chapel Hill.
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