Ceratoschoenus Corniculata Nees, p. 175
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3 revisions | EricRoscoe at Aug 20, 2022 12:51 PM Ceratoschoenus Corniculata Nees, p. 175[44] 45 Ceratoschoenus Corniculata Nees.
Syn. C. longirostris, Gray. Rhyncospora laxa Vahl. R. longirostris Ell. R. corniculata, Gray.
Cymes decompound, diffuse; bristles awl-shaped, stout, unequal, shorter than the achenium; glumes ovate, fuscous; spikes subulate, long-beaked by the persistent exserted styles. Culms 3 to 6 feet high. [triguetrous.] Flowers in August.
[44] 45 Ceratoschoenus Corniculata Nees. Syn. C. longirostris, Gray. Rhyncospora laxa Vahl. R. longirostris Ell. R. corniculata, Gray. Cymes decompound, diffuse; bristles awl-shaped, stout, unequal, shorter than the achenium; glumes ovate, fuscous; spikes subulate, long-beaked by the persistent exserted styles. Culms 3 to 6 feet high. [triguetrous.] Flowers in August. Ceratoschoenus Corniculata Nees, p. 175 |