Genus X Ceratoschoenus Nees, p. 174
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2 revisions | EricRoscoe at Aug 20, 2022 12:43 PM Genus X Ceratoschoenus Nees, p. 174Genus X Ceratoschoenus Nees
(Greek keros a horn, and schoenos a rush)
Spikes spindle shaped of one perfect and 1 to 4 staminate flowers; scales few, closely imbricated, the lower ones empty; perianth of 5 or 6 rigid or cartilaginous flattened bristles, sometimes dilated or united at the base; stamens 3; style simple, entirely hardening in fruit into a long and slender awl-shaped upwardly roughened beak with a narrow base much exserted and several times longer than the flat and smooth obovate achenium.- Culms triangular leafy. Genus X Ceratoschoenus Nees (Greek keros a horn, and schoenos a rush) Spikes spindle shaped of one perfect and 1 to 4 staminate flowers; scales few, closely imbricated, the lower ones empty; perianth of 5 or 6 rigid or cartilaginous flattened bristles, sometimes dilated or united at the base; stamens 3; style simple, entirely hardening in fruit into a long and slender awl-shaped upwardly roughened beak with a narrow base much exserted and several times longer than the flat and smooth obovate achenium.- Culms triangular leafy. Genus X Ceratoschoenus Nees, p. 174 |