Genus IX Fimbristylis Vahl, p. 170


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EricRoscoe at Aug 19, 2022 11:44 PM

Genus IX Fimbristylis Vahl, p. 170

Genus IX Fimbristylis Vah (Latin fimbria, a fringe, and stylus a style) Spikes many-flowered; scales imbricated on all sides; perianth none; stamens 1 to 3; style 2 or 3 cleft, [of] with a thickened or bulb like base, but wholly deciduous; achenium [naked] lenticular or triangular, naked;-Culms leafy, compressed or triangular, cespitoe.

Genus IX Fimbristylis Vah

(Latin fimbria, a fringe, and stylus a style)

Spikes many-flowered; scales imbricated on all sides; perianth none; stamens 1 to 3; style 2 or 3 cleft, [of] with a thickened or bulb like base, but wholly deciduous; achenium [naked] lenticular or triangular, naked;-Culms leafy, compressed or triangular, cespitoe.

Genus IX Fimbristylis Vahl, p. 170