Page 6


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5 revisions
ianrothman at Aug 15, 2022 05:28 PM

Page 6

6) Name makde from "Ashland" and "Clifton" Lillie [?] - no Margaret [?] - [?] [?] Emma Stabler told of an ex [?] in New York - where she saw museums [?] which had fur salvaged from ash-cans and [?] [?] Mary [?] - a poem about The Red Cap Remarks of Committees Education - The chairwoman, Mary Nichols [?] absent - Lena [?] felt that a chaperon - [?] a member of the board of trustees - should be present when she [?] are at Sherwood for [?] [?] inside of school [?] - and she sendary was asked to [?] this [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]

6) Name makde from "Ashland" and "Clifton"
Lillie [?] - no
Margaret [?] - [?]
Emma Stabler told of an ex [?] in
New York - where she saw museums
[?] which had fur salvaged
from ash-cans and [?] [?]
Mary [?] - a poem about The Red Cap
Remarks of Committees
Education - The chairwoman, Mary Nichols
[?] absent - Lena [?] felt that a
chaperon - [?] a member of the
board of trustees - should be present
when she [?] are at Sherwood
for [?] [?] inside of school [?] -
and she sendary was asked to [?]
this [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]

Page 6