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20 revisions | Kareobl at Jun 07, 2022 07:07 PM p. 4716
the Root be propationable: the Roots of
young Trees to be preferrd to older ones
as they will better taken the Sap, +
areneth the Graft, the best Roots are sawed
from Kernels,+ may be drawn at 1, 2 or 3
years old _ Plums, Cherries, Apricots and
Peaches may be then raised -
Rx.[recipe] fine silver Filings ℥üÿ -[ symbol ]℥ÿ-
make a cold aaa. dissolve it in ℥üÿ of gord
Aq. fort: pour upon the solution 3 half Septiers
of distilled water, mix them well with a Spatula
and keep the composition in a glass vial close shapd
by Himberg
a Septier is an
Golden or heavy
too quick making
12 quarts.
Rx[recipe] of this Liquer ℥i. or there abouts. put it into a
small Vial, add about the lire of a Pea of a [cemmon?]
aaa of Gold or Silver, let the Glass stand a few
minutes + you will see small Filaments one
from the aaa. w will continue sheoting from
Branches from their sides, + at last small [?]
will rise - The aaa will grows herd, and of a dirty
white, but the little shrubs will be like Silver. 16 21. Metallic -Pint [lye?] p. 4716
the Root be propationable: the Roots of
young trees to be preferrd to oldn ones
as they will better taken the sap, and
areneth the Graft, the berr Roots are sawed
from Kernels, and may be drawn at 1, 2 or 3
years old - Plums, Cherries, Apricots and
Peaches may be then raised -
Rx.[recipe] fine silver Filings ℥üÿ -[ symbol ]℥ÿ-
make a cold aaa. dissolve it in ℥üÿ of gord
Aq. fort: pour upon the solution 3 half Septiers
of distilled water, mix them well with a Spatula
and keep the composition in a glass vial close shapd
by Himberg
a Septier is an
Golden or heavy
too quick making
12 quarts.
Rx[recipe] of this Liquer ℥i. or there abouts. put it into a
small Vial, add about the lire of a Pea of a [cemmon?]
aaa of Gold or Silver, let the Glass stand a few
minutes + you will see small Filaments one
from the aaa. w will continue sheoting from
Branches from their sides, + at last small [?]
will rise - The aaa will grows herd, and of a dirty
white, but the little shrubs will be like Silver. 16 21. Metallic -Pint [lye?] |