p. 231
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4 revisions | Kareobl at Mar 01, 2022 08:34 PM p. 231202
When you use this Liquor have
a small Phial of [alchemy symbol] of Lead, which you
write with upon Paper; or a Wall. or the
Boards - the 2 last with a Hair Pencil
Pass it over with the Liquor with
Cotton. & the letters [?] appear.
This is the [?] [?]
245 To make [alchemy symbol:gold] from [a.s.:lead]
Rx of Cyprean Calcanthum [a.s:measurement?]
[a.s.:dissolve] it Spring Water [a.s.:measurement?].filtre & [a.s.:?] by
[a.s.] Preserve the [a.s.] [a.s.:water] well closed for
use - [?] an [?] with [a.s.:mercury] [a.s.:measurement] &
pure [a.s.:gold] in Leaf [a.s.:measurement] over the [a.s.:fire] [?]
Then Rx of purified [a.s.:lead] [a.s.:measurement] when
melted mix it well with the above
a.a.a. over the [a.s.:fire] when well mixd add
202 245 To make [alchemy symbol:gold] from [a.s.:lead] p. 231202
When you use this Liquor have
a small Phial of [alchemy symbol] of Lead, which you
write with upon Paper; or a Wall. or the
Boards - the 2 last with a [H?] Pencil
Pass it over with the Liquor with
Cotton. & the letters [?] appear.
This is the [?] [?]
245 To make [alchemy symbol:gold] from [a.s.:lead]
Rx of Cyprean Calcanthum [a.s:measurement?]
[a.s.:dissolve] it Spring Water [a.s.:measurement?].filtre & [a.s.:?] by
[a.s.] Preserve the [a.s.] [a.s.:water] well closed for
use - [?] an [?] with [a.s.:mercury] [a.s.:measurement] &
pure [a.s.:gold] in Leaf [a.s.:measurement] over the [a.s.:fire] [?]
Then Rx of purified [a.s.:lead] [a.s.:measurement] when
melted mix it well with the above
a.a.a. over the [a.s.:fire] when well mixd add
202 245 To make [alchemy symbol:gold] from [a.s.:lead] |