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2 revisions
leesa at Oct 15, 2021 06:21 PM


[p. 115], [F8597_0117a]

No. 376. Rich Cake S.A. Browne.
3lbs Butter 2 1/2 lbs moist sugar 3 lbs Flour 4 lbs Currants 8 oz each of Orange & lemon peel 8 oz Sweet Almonds 18 eggs 1/1 /2 ozs Spices 1 wine glass each Brandy & white wine.Bake 4 1/2 hours (?more)

No. 377 Tapioca Pudding
A teacup full of Tapioca the peel of 1/2 a lemon grated a little cinnamon 3 eggs well beaten about a pint of milk. Warm the milk & mix a little of it with the Tapioca then pour all the ingredients together & put it on the fire when it boils pour it into [?] dish for baking. Butter the sides of [?] dish.

No. 378 Lemon Dumplings.
1/4 lb grated bread 1/4 lb suet currants & sugar the juice & rind of 2 lemons & 4 eggs made with dumplimgs. boil 1/2 hour.

No. 379 Jellies of Apples & other Fruits
Cut your apples into pieces & boil them in a little water in a copper pan till they resemble marmalade then strai them through a jelly bag & put 3/4 lb loaf sugar to every quart of juice, boil it all together & take off the scum as it rises.

No. 380 Whigs
Take half a {?] dough & roll it out the thickness of a crown piece then add 1/4 lb of butter or lard in a larger all over the same quantity of currants sprinkle in a little flour double it up & roll it out again & repeat this [?] & rolling set it before the fire an hour or more to rise then take it up & make into cakes the size of a saucer 3/4 of an inch thick with as little flour as possible set them again before the fire for 15 or 20 minutes then take in a quick oven 25 or 30 minutes at most.

No 381 Boiled Custards.
In 1 quart of milk boil a little Cinnamon & 4 bay leaves then add the yolks of 4 eggs, a few bitter almonds & sugar to taste.
