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University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:24 PM


.. " 1797, May, 8~ c1ear, w1ncty and eol<t. Re·mo·vea melcm. sf3e<1plante'1 9• 10,, 11. 12, ~ Hli~ oorr~. .r....e-pltwtuigccrn. Dttvy s1cihnaa. wa~er-- in patal'}SS by ttie fl1tehJ~U9kI~J.on(H,Ta;uate~ro• s sort) ant1 oucw!iber seeas rour1d. out i-ows. Plante<! ttit\1un pet1a 1n bora.ers Gal,.~ten. In evening I walkact to J. ?a.;,lor• s~ Srnart 1'1-ost- Clear w1ney u.nct.cool. I <t-~<t at hOme...-Wa.ll(;Eu\1n even1ng ta .1,tS¥lOJl Rcot<t a ietter trom :i.s.ioaior- r,u.ited J.9 Aprll. Clear and windy- l! ..JUggers put a ·eJ.ab cover on oornt10uae. . 11ey. t~ Win<11-warm-a tew soattorlng cJ.otv.ls. Haa my s1.teep ~ba a ted; ,;a+y:UU.der.t about 168 J.b Wool.. 10 Lumba wete gel.t & 6 Ewe lambs- l lamJ:> arter. Mr Hay iai.- . 1a.t'erro sent his Slave Peter a.tJ.<1~ct a 1mst1Sl ot Hem.peee4, warm- aome clouds-an~ arops raln atte.rnoon. I rone to Col:' 1'aA1a,m rwqu.eated Col uart1son Jr to wr1 to to ur Jetter .son to ment1on i .a.ia¥ior as a•s-.,az,.a.1na re~ the Qo.LJ.ector• s }}lace at pQ.1; or lf~;r1'oa wnen a vacu.noy- ne promise .ti. \ote wr 1te. nr Bal.mtl.1n & w1te~ Mr: o.P,Uowat<l · ani.1 w1r1 u.nd at Col. Mac11son•~ we citme no"n in t.m even~. Jo.tw ia,lor•s w1re 11nea · .. l.3• Pleasant. llaf.1 nempseea sown r1ll~re tJle toa<tor- ate.Ok was .r.l9ar Jt,,.l31ggers•· 110use, ueasureo. the Wheat. on nn.n.'16Sfl Bushels. l 1,,W•autec1 .1n :a:·vaning to J .1·ayiort th ~ ·001 Ma(U.eon sen•r was tttore. na.d bua1ne.s·s 1n the otr1ce. l bought 10 On101t&na · o! r .Prooebar• s UUrphy 3/.... · ill-. StmrtS3, cool,, ra1riet1 early a. l1t-t.le 1. olou<ty. I rode to Mrs Be·J.l' s, tt1nect tnere, Jomes Taylor, ·his w1re, ·Na.:ey T L¾}llor un<t tolln Taylor•s w1te there. Jas r;e,1i· 1 w1ra & s1ster UlllY 1n PrJ.noe . 11118.mantt MJtsGaln\)ell dld not appear .. Atter s <Un.ne;rJ'. Taylor & I rodt to lQ- sneplleN' S I WllO w1tb A l>Uby & W1:fe came tnere to ('tay tram Freuer ·tctaburg,,-, Mr snephel'4 had my watoll olEJ.an&. d I paid hita a aolla.r (wh1ch he ·Pu1<1) tor ha:t.r1ng 1.t done... Pd A Shepherd Jr 17 cents tor Post- ag;e Letter 15. ·Falr, t-rom F.s.Taylor. but pleasant ,;1a.y... I· wrote and oitrr~e(l a J.e.tter to the 1>0st e>ft1ae tor John Dawson n.nuut F.a.'laylor. Got my ~ta Bnoes :removed & 1,a1ct. l/';; tor it .• Mr a.P.Howarq ,va;:; at OQurt. rwuae & ,came hOma & d~1ed with me, we played oaolt~g;a.rnroont1ll aven1ng. ~· 16 , warm an t.l tau. I went tQ 3 • teyl.ori s, AUitt teyl-or ,~ .Mrs .Ba.L"naln, JAra l3Urnl(:)1 · · .& g1rls:> c.P.Howu.td & w.u·e. 3ohn !r~lor•• w1.re. Rob•t ?ayl~:r• .s w1re, Nancy ~th & i:oos .Bell jr• E.c1iew.• {U.nert tn.sre.. ./ . . 17, wea.r1esrta~y• Fair and pleaaant, cool. room & evenu1g. c ..xay10r neut a 10tter &c :rrom o.c.tuylor & l'or rne to go over- I went ·tc ct.1nner- Aunt ,:231or, 1trs BUrnle3 & .taugnters, Mra .J3Ul.ma1n, MJ•a Hov,ard~ JOtul .l~J.c ,r• a w1te tee. Jeru)3 Glassel. lrere tnere- A goott muriycnerr1e, eaten, tho•ttaraly r1i;e. 18, c1owcy & wann. lia ti water.me.ton seed (from. COl m.Pe.n,ueton'B and. T • .Barnour Junr'a} planted .near the line rence be.low t •he' draw bare & to the lett my own aort. I was remarkably <1rowsy & .tw u.vy. 19 .. A little rain la.at night & to day ol.OU<ty. l ('l/4Jfitl.r1ue tltlWOl.l- TOOk Ipecac 8a Jal-- · lap. sc.mt lira.Ilk to court house- tPt lfew.s:paperB& a letter i·rom ,c,c.t~lo 20 • Olou<tn in morn, warm-very 'Jr$- Htiy Ta11a.ten-o•a sent .Pete%' to~ t aue heJnll·r · ~eee1, I Sent a 11eek > ue1.t1g ail I lla4. I w~ed to c. teylor• e 1n evening anct Eat · some ctterr1ee- He was t&-,ne to .ea.t,taJ.1on M.:\uJt8l' at a,Hooe• s- H.lUggers al.so i,ent there. 21, suntta,y• l•a1r, amoRy,nry. warm. A li.gnt anower 1n even1ng. I went to Se%'t.OO court nouse-.vreacM<l on t,m 11eat .n ot lln.tt.bew Ot:\mbUll.- ine au«.1e.noe large. at-n .went to J .xay1or 1 a to llJ.n.ner- JoM I~mu.eton & ra.m1.13: ,ooi•o Jamee .aar"DouIr, Tt1es :aa.roour. -Gab l .tHl.rbour·, l>'bil Barbour(ot J-.mbroae) Wt'lJAOore Jr & JU.Chelf were ·tnere. ura H,;ore sent tor c.~a.y .1. or. wa~ ta.ken Ul two daye 22. cool morn. tlry ,. :ta1r. I went to Court• !18ce1ved no mney- l>. ago. Triplett oo.11 be ,\IOU•d pay my olct acoo • t at next oouri. a31 Fair, cool., cl.ow.ts & a. l1ttla rine ra1n 1n evening. w1111am S'tew~ sad<.1l.er., aent h1a boy & got 16 lb Wool• 3 lb .ot it wa::J amrt- ne had .tqatt 81 J.b 1n. A1> ·r11 dry 1 I total 21'- lb. --· ······· ·••¥-· -c------ From the //l'r.1..0I<. I.JJJ'+/.l'r" .i /907Z. in the Southern Historical Collection, Universit of North Carolina tibrary, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO y PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED.WARNING·.MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT.