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2 revisions
University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:24 PM


1791, A_pr1l• 1. satttruay • Fa1r 11to<i~traie.n.euban tus .i.Or·eallou. .nert on.a. got m t .o wriie a Will• .Wl11®, arte .r gott w1tnesl1e<1,.be 1crt w1t.n lue• X r?Ytt .-nim (A, letter wlth a Deeel 1nolcsed to W1J.l1EUR,:aylor(son o:t J'ona,~WMJ~ ~he (\t:64 to1· the Lall<l l ®ld nJ.mon 1tloy4t s ror1'p 1.0 Ken.tu~t tor l ,.000 . ac:ree moi-eer· .iess. l ~ao gave Heuoan ia.ylor Letters to m.v :Brotner 1J.!1aa tay1c -~. nenJam1n :to.ylor, Hu\)•4 'l33.lor an.r.t R1clW.r4 wooltolkJie Ul.$0 · tooit m, pJ.at. tur 1,000 ao:res Land B-.W, 01· Oll1o, two or ll1a own tor 1 ► 000 ea.ob- &.-one 011!wmWhitu,• s 1·cr 460 acntJ, to ge~ them n~de out propa:rl.3' t,y Col MCUlraon( R.t®~4 Clougi-w.K.A .••-.J su.ivesol .of .M1l1tary Lalldih l went w1in RW ~lot ·to ,-. tayJ.oJ"'• s to d1rm$1'. Ja\J 't .r aoo.:e ..•. Mr..; licore. llrs 11• d Bar1>otir, l{Ol> x~i.wo·.re·, 1!U'uowara. & w1to • C~i&J'lof t .Betas,. tayior ., TW•s JeM1ne• cap$ P • .itil.tr.1, cn.•s 1.de.U,ltt"s Da,-E.cnew•. J..• 'J.'aylor Jr. .& wu:e & Fanny Pew11eton wer-e tne:;e & ao11•t Taylt:r- • .El1za.bet.b C!l8t'f e-xeou.ted a .Deei:i ot re1 ·1nqu1stment to .Jo.me" oo.l ·eman ~ ao..n .ae'-1. uanoe, or tne e•a. CQl.eman•e Deed to • nor 101 Hat~iall &c nw/i e 27tn marQh. 2, . Suncta.v. clouay morning- . ;,a1r atternoon & wuiq. I went to u.:r~lQJf' a,- He & r.1a tera Sally ~:vi net, y were :rrom home• I <1:Ln0<1tllere. c·a.maby J .~a,ylar• a~ aa.pt ugb R1char4'.1llarbour, Joim :Moore, wmKcore .• BenJ/a oa1t1es& .Fanny ren11eton were t110x-e-.J .~ .Jr & wire & E .CMw. I paid Joe 2 lt tor 2 t1ab lla <.1 some time • .31 very wann, m.msn1ne anr.t amo;k¥. I ro<te io court muse w1tn J ,.,feylor Reubenago tayl~r 1 & sa.meafaylor Jr, o.';1:'aylor,Rob•t t~lQ:r,~o.tw. M.oore.n01> ·•t, uoora,. Jas .0011, ;~ aha.a .BeJ.l._ ca.pt R1 t.1 llarbour &c were tbere .... Reuben T83'J.or & J.fa.y. tor Jr aet- out to~ Kentucky · rrom cou.rt llOuae bY U -o• olook:; r.?e·t H.an:y s~l wna 1a;;going ,u.th tnern! & t?ley expeot '!roTomllnaon ,vou•1 Jo1n tJ1e1n. •&dtVe J. X~lor Jr a :tet .ter ror lP d Taylor Jr. 1 ca,ne ncme bero.o .a.co .n.oave Ord.on.•carrot & O~blUJ-8 aeeas to to aow.& ;:,lai1t 1n Meau..ow, Ale•X'.t SbO,Pllertts w1te u le<t tb1 -ij morn.1.ng. t • w:neletter ,t.rom ;F:ruJ1cls fa..Y~C#rto R.io' (1 ia,v.10.r J;-•• .a.s. ( 1n i9l.J) 1n POS$8ie~ loll or J!.J1.1•ay1or an<1 hae .b~en ® -p1ett . 1n th£: J.'1rst f ~ o.r t:iis K8f.h-W:f ·J 4 .. oicucty & a l1ttle .ru1n 1,1 moni. BWlfl8,srno3!V,wqXm. evenit.ng. &JU ..ggera•a w1ra owne .tlslre and got aorua ga.rdan pena to sow. AaKtid ,or a. cow., ·t.no two u.1.eret.lu.Ving . gone ary . =>, wect.11asa ... .y, warm, 1·a1r ;·very cur:y~ tnun®~ t ·o ao:utn, smoky. Let M.l$1ggers have one ot tr.te yolmg oows tor .!Ul.K. oo.ve M11l31 trJ? l~rs se:m~ po-w~ter ~ snot ,~ s!1<Jol- uquar1.:;la. I wriJ..ke<l (low11 tt~ run oeJ:ore .t,re~1·ast. saw no gate{t• wua t:it1g\Wu & Wl• · ,eu all (ifq. .. 6, . ll~1r morn.tngj very wam ....A st.wwer or ra.1n 1n: tne etei11ng wltl) thUn<ter & $notJ.1er. 1n tne i11gnt at Col ?aJ.!at\,-ri·o• 's but iu,,.~ .1a u 1 the 1.l\l$t here; l wen\ to•Ool L. Tal1a1'erro • s to an enterta~ment 1a given on acoo'\lnt or h1e aollS H83 & na.lti.w.1.11 J.ate marrla~ a-. tne oo·mp(-'n:f wae ~~ntee .1 but n<.>t large a.nu the enterta1ntnen:I b~nt0e1. I eta1n t1ll ll. & g-o't 110me at 1a o• eJ.oOk. tno•s. Jenkin£.1 & nob't. i., M.B1 ggers .s.,.J t.toore ca.mehOmew1t?1rtW)• ~ C001~1,awrenoe iaiia,erro ,m, ;jam.h DtlU►V clOU<ty & nu.at. :, • iayior -.. a.meove.. t,o ureu.XJ.:aat,.brou~t h1$ Newspa. , i·Orl , A.ttter Broaltta.at, ?homa.a JtUilUni &: R.,f liOon, &. J ,'laqJ.o,: vnm, away. . I wallcert in even1llg to Mr.$ne_vMr(l 1 o af!Q got my Ne,~o.pa.i:,-e;.Wnlli X wa-s l!Pf»JI,. J.tc~lor, bi$. w1te, Fa.or1y PSl.llllet011 ., Nanoy<U.beOn4 Nat teylor was .nere 1but went away betcre 1 retunie<.t.- I ~t al.l bU..IJ ?a.y-l.ot at i.ne rwi.wall1r1g rQUnd t:.nu1r tlel<t. 11n1s1·1ed L1a't,1ng con, gro\Ultt yoater r a.J~ Packed Jaaaon away 1n a$llea 8 • ciouay with mcH10rate rain, moot ot nay,l)ut.. cllle1'J.y 1n t.he ~ven;t.ng, 'the People ba~t leave to hill tne1r potat-oe patel'lea. out .1t wau too wet to 110 nn10.h-.i wa.ij ilot very well.• at .nome. 9 • olem:tHl 1rt n 1.r.)lt, wlwly &0001. Mr Stwpne.rr.t s a 1a he saw. a.ce. Ba.1r mornt:1gr Cloud& & -cocl e11en1ng. I went t.o sermonat Court bOuse. onme to ChT'1flor• s to <ttnner:tlorie but hls ta :r;111 theresau.y !l'U3lor was at Mr She_pb.ertt• ~ tna earls t1-0m D.tri _flatt,• s are expected w1th i»r · .in tb.i:~ eve n.1ng at o.!ayl()r•a 10, Clea:r an1 00,1<1. some ·1.1rops ro..1n w1th hall laiat, n1ebt. snow on o..MOuntauis this mom1ng, 0 • Taylor sent & &ttOt5 lb l.JUt·teJ' • .sent . btig by hi.S boy 1:0:t i ilUSbOJ. s1Jo.n1ah & .Ber r::u 1:ta Potatoes. wh10ll ti?,O l)oy nrougtrt; bore and t get tnem plante4 ~, Mear.towa1toll, K1..Ue<t a shoat wt:t.1ch ?tt:ts ;Wqak 1n loins• tia<l been ta.ttenet.l stnoe November. nega.n to piant o""rn l.n the Oretlard tleld. aut otr o.in v1a.x.tnm ti. .aees in the t11vas P·l.tllltea. a 1ew PotatoeB 1n J?eacri row 1n Oar<ten. 1 w~ea to I J ..'.raylor • a 1.l1 evenJ.tig• sta1n an bO\.U."or two• 7 wann.,smo~ ' .......--,--c,. From the //JY.LOI<. tJ11+/:l.'r' . Ii: /907Z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. 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