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University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:24 PM


1797,, February• 26 • S\tnday. snnrp rrost- · ciear unu cold~ . t went to Stlnnon at ocurt l'lOU$.e prea.ebe'1 by ur 0 ·•110111. otUneto J.:tu,.ylor ·1 es--t<iJ · dlmu:tr,- • !{eUbtn1 1:GY'lor,.. :J:.ho•aJenk1ne.w l1om Moore J;r• Rotirn"t Koore-lfw:1.nyPend;leton .• .uetq oaines.J. fl.\'flor j~ & wite 11were at nome & E Chewvms t11era. ·· · 27" ~dlr.lay, cool morn.3.ng..,1a11· ,ti~l ~l ·ave111n1.... J; went to Court ...aaw Yi· !rr1t)lt ·tt ., ~ sr~1ct ne ll.3.d no n10nsy• but vrou•4 t~y to naive a.t ne~t, c.01.t.t- I \\Tote to aesst Hln.1:rs t~i 0e r:l l :ooIi'-Oni sr..eei u.n<l a t;aQJ!t·sa1t.-. note .F.s ..iayaor to ~'let me 2r.a Reams .arowi11:1a.:r.ert 25 J..bR~oe,·O.Yut.~o..,co~ks-, ,car.it.Cr011 ~ Ralso :na. t.tmre was 1 more poo:p1e et. Ccl.U"t than usui\l. in · J1-en 1 · can tU..tlates .ror eo-r,tg1"ase & Aa$Glnbl.Y were there. tllfl CJ.{i ar1n1Jlu cc.,, lHii,<1a ma,1.acaJ..t. ( Ca.l.t Ji:11 ) aa,. cool clouuy worn, a lj,. t tle &iow ~ fti1.t1 ~:.-ternoon. l xoae to court - tm Co\U1, luid 'tta USJvy aJ,:tU <11\l. some Gtr1er lrus1nell~ l:"l>qol.1,n ~ 1 J.ett 1t to li i." si1ep11er<1 .\··11etJier or nut l $i'W u' ti pcy- :rer ltta.Ung tt.. coat. t tL..:.t {ti.ct 1w t rt t • iu:· Silep.b.er<l gave his '-'Pi.nJ.On I OUf)n.t uu I k$J;rt an.a.wo.re the a.oat, 7'llewea.tl' ar haa ·been gener'al.J.y ltlll. (t t:lls mo.ut.l'r.+so100..Jtc~vy-. :iwu1,uut; l1tt.i.e .t'rcst. snow or 1os. l8 Lw®s tu1ve... ~ !} < teall-- } ea.ves al.1vet ~t u 11s ..iatEh I a(lk.ri.OWl.etlgeda I>ee,,t tc mq J...ep1ie\1 W.m!l:aylor ye2ier11.af 1"'or i.ooo acres Lat1<l, . i'loytt• s to -rit.ct:ar.:.}lbyCcmnty, .Ke,ntuc.t.y. ·tc be oert1r1ea. & se ..nt out., ·•·.· • .. ·•·;;,.-¢~. ~ • Marcll. 1, weruieanay,Slnclrt rrc st- ta.ir mo.aerate cu11~ sent Itri ca.i.~t a.nu got P1,ne tau.mes tor Sheep. I sta1d at r10me, .tiu.rt u~ leg. 2• c1o urty 1ac;:rn-r~gan to ~lCWaoout lZ c 1 oioo.t w~Jl cont41ue1 t1.U n101t. at>o¢t , 1nche.a. l ims at ho...e al.l . nay. · 3~ SnOWtHli!J. th e .nJ,..gllt, QC~S~<.1 oe.tox·e o.a,...7 01." 6 incn~s rtee». CJ..OUQ3'r:ttJI WlJl t,).~l 111ueh.J. ~1.ia.yJ.or :x·otie t,o rr(Y uu.t 6°'W, ceJ.len tu me that. no was gc1.ng vo ll ~tJ •:, Moore• a- I g,;;t my mare & went ·t.nere \.o u1iu,,u•,...J.t~J.or~ h1s w1:te1 litwtcy ·tay .. lor • .a~·tsy Ga.1.uea •. :a·a..nny 1>~.rn.ileton go.ue to Y;~{11son. r1att cau.w1t~ J .1·.Jr &; waut l'lu.u.t,lng- i••A 11t tle J .1·ayio~ Jr•~ w.11·e were t11ere~ John IAboM WlAH.oo1·eJr llrou g.1,1\no1ne · a Re rl lrQ·X ne l'ni n last ,tignt- T~ anow meJ.~EHlso ulllc:nt.n.a.t I cou •d. :aee none t;l.t ni ght~ I was u.t ho me all f.tay • 5• Win~ dry1n« <tay. not col'.1., 1:a1.r. I ct1.ne(tat home- Iu -evening walkert io J .-ta¥ ... lor• d. Mr c .0 1 Ne1ll & 'i ,.oonwa:yJr cu.menare. & staitt at n1gllt. 6 • Mon~ia.,y• Last nlgnt very w1n~1Yanct ale~,. turne'l 0014 ~ rroze llaX"<\ o1e~;r & w1rnty ,.1ay-itrr 0•1~etll Wl(i r.oonway Jr 1,7ent awey att .ar bre ..il!tast-1nte nd. by no·b• t Taylor• s- 1 eent my en.rt tc Aunt ?a¥lor• s & got a sa.ok .snit, J..2 ll> blist\1re'l uteel & 2 bars 87 lb .r.ron, b.rou gl1"t f'r<Htl l-teS.$'ri .Blaire lJy vai•e W1n.e,; l~. . 7 .. C<il~l Wl~litl~i a lit.tle at.tOwer Cl ' ~.tlOW but not . 011,.ru.gll to (..~V,el" tne i~wv1- SWJk.Ymil~i ~v~u1ng. I wa:J rn.tllor more unwell twu , ooutt..110at n• no.<ne ." gt RaintHt a 11ttle 1.n morn, vei·y w1wty.... tltu:1a~ WmLaa.t.nor.u Ca.l'ra:) in mo.tn1r-~ witll a. c~rt, D,nrt got aooutA 30 A:pl)le tret'-S 1·0.r lllru ilur ,tls;;ty to ,I,J.a.n ·t,, I ex:f ~ct. t,~y are 1ntt1 r torent .1".t1l.lt1 tbQ' {1cm• t, mow..1 tVa.e-unwell• maa~tao.b &c, t-00£: a «ose ot Ualt~. Mill ~Ud uct operate & u.ot lOOal.• well, 1·~eai'.lco11t111uea to ~.Jarrt 2 .u~ cca·n to · r,a,ae•s 9., Last rl t;.ht · t1if.1.(ty,.(ro~e .tlara 1il xao.tii-11'!&.,._ F.aJ.r & eccl. J. ta3.J.or caJ.ltH! oore .... l ,qe11t \11th hlta to neu :r~J.or 1 s, ,mo went w1t h ua ta navtuJ.1aJe.t1,."'o• s,. Wll0 1tct at 11omc-wa came o~ ,::c q1n~u at ueu tauJ.cr' s- J. i ·a.ylor sent 111s uu.rt was ,11tn a cu.Sk to bet Cy.-.:tero:r Ucy 1'allaferro,:,- I sent If C/ ~ aaiJ.cn ;{e~-t.mt H.!.!. i:te1..ng i·ro m ttot1e cou • u not, get cy,.le~ '.rne o~·~ ~ caalUl lo.rt, 10, Fr1r.tay, Goroo splta suow 1.n·.mcrn.....:tll1n clouas-ccql. l r1al i~ect.to Aunt x~. ~o.t'•e .... J.'.i:eylcr & .ram1lY, J •.t,Jr &. ivJ.;;. 'e, 1!:.Cnew:.l'..uur:1l?t3mU•.e-ton,, Bet3t oa1 tl81; C,.ilGlJ & T• .i~ll ~i11wi:1 t,here• .:t.~u.ylor• s Ca.rt brcmgl.1t Cyder tl"u .metrom H£\YXa.Uates~ / ro• s. Sawney nrou i_jht tn ~: k0 g t o tne lW\lOO arte -r ~ •. . _., ___ --- - - ~ - - --From the //lY.LOR lJJtU2.'r' .l:t /907 - Z in the Southern Hi s torical Colle c tion, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill . FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUSTBE REQUESTED.WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT . , J