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University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:23 PM


..... ·-·~-- ------·~---· ----·- - --------- ·•·-•· ,· · J . [t¼+] lJ DIARYOF lRA!fOISTAYL08,l795, 179;. J~. . 29,. some aloud.a 1n m_rn1ng,snower 1n 'ev~nui.g- Outt1ng ll&at- H1red f .Prootor• s Bo)) to lit)W & oeorge to Rue &c. · ,;ot snowery I ba4 tor seoux-1ng grain. Hired same as yester~ay-wm tayl<;)r' B boy, wbO · has worked 1n m,y l'larves ·t _ -s1c& to ,a.ay• M Blggera, sent me a tine Quarter ot shoai . July• · 1. wednGs<lay, 111ne morn1n&--very heavy rain 1n even1ng., I. went to ·O.TS3lor• ·a-oai.rr1ec _nankeen to get, Vesta _to .Breecnes mad.► I went by my Wheat tiel.«- i.ne people cocJ Ing. Had a Swa,fm or .Beea h1ve4 1n aJn&J.l tno\ty gum.. J •.t ·ayto:r :roae 11en ln evell• .ing-le t't last lfewspaper, wn1oh f .»arbo·ur Jf b·tougnt up• re tunung trom -B.aJ. tJ.more,· a, c1ou<1yaon, :fair noon,ral.ny n1gnt 1 very wet,. About my \Yheat 1n »arnr;e1<1."f~o1>1-t ta.yl.or Jr came .tiere rrom acn.ool. to ask :ror L1n.see<1ou.. I aeni a p1nt. z.Nooe Jr was w1tA .nlla. 41ao.rinrgea .Bob at n1gu1 ,.tte 11as worked. Jt.aoout <1a,ya. 3, na1ny morning. D1·so.1\a.rged r .J?roctor• ·s Negro man. he nad cut 4- <1Qs. Oh.a• s Leath· . -e·rs came here & ·st\YQ ue wu.1 ( 1r r.1e can ge~ t1mber) get. me 2 ..ooo pal.ea • . Jf, .r1ne c1a.y. I roae to court noust,.dtned ai JU• Shepner<11 a,h0 sttangex- ·tnere.. J Taylor came here 1n even1ng. :r1nUibed .oo~ing wueat .Barn t1el4. ~. suna.a1y some 01ou<1e,a very l.1ttle ra1n at n1ght. J ,Taylorin tne calle<l Mre & I went ·with him to Ble4soeta meet1ng- lie tt1ned ii.ere on hie return- Wmt~lor got hero trom Yredt ·_g 1n even• g to <11.nner. Ret•Cl the m.~1,. ey I gave n111 tO »Uy ine a ?:>01. . 6, very t1ne harvest weather. cut my ,~hea.\ at no• & na<1some ooaits put up. w.Taylor & I we11t 'OYJ.faylor•a & c. ·ia,.1.o·r•s 14 l'Jley went wlth us to itob•t .._f~lor•s ·. to <11nr1et.·Hrs .Burnley was tn.ere: a., ixa,j.ot was ·gene to tr1p1ett 'aWm ia.Ylor went With Mr.Haward to Aunt ·tayio:r•·a.... · 7, some ·c1ou<1s in morning, talr evening, Finished Q<Hlk1n~ my wlJea\ at home ,be1ng .ll the last.. I lYalke<l to Aunt taylor•e- J ~taylor & rma11y, c.t~lor. Rob,..t Taylor & ram11y 1 Mrs Burnley & <101 d1nea there.;. wmT8¥lor sa1G 110 ·wae going to J ,Taylor• s, I came home• · S, Jair cool day. I was very ~well laai nigh\ & th1a mo-rn1ng. ·oetter 1n · the . evening, was at home alone. sa.ry began to ep1n woc1. had 3 lb. 9 1 :ra.1r, l3egan to cut hay 1n meadow~ i1.1Jah ,BroClCnOJl & got a halt a-oe oriangec 10, Cloudy warm, Wittt a Shower or ram. 1f1r11she<1outt1ng came · hay.-put 1n small cocks. ' · wmTaylor came here rromJ .Taylor• a- 1 rocle w1th h1m to a Race i. Barnett• s ·rora- came~aatt w1tb J.ta.ylor by a sale at xra Thomas•s•D1ned· at a\ : ·some yowig people gathered. t,nere .1n even1ng to dance~ I o~ be.me.t.Taylor•e1~. -warm, some c1ou<1s. Shower 1n even1ntt• J .faylOr sent 11ere .tor Butter •. some 1n White oowi-wtcb. with butter we1gne<11$ ll>. I went to J.ta.ylor•s I sent to <Unner. The young peopJ.e 1n t_r!e nelgt11>orn -... od 1 o.ia,-101, Hrs oa1nes & .&.O.newtl'lere, 12 • FJJf.! N warm morning, Jalr even1ng. aou~_ .\ l <1oz Chi ,..kena 01· 001 w1111s• a 11111- . no had a pa1r Breee.nea & to pa, >me l/~ worth moi-e. I rode to ltr.T.Be11 1 s- J,. .·1ay1or Jr. Nanoy Taylor. wnt Ta,.lor.o.P ·.Hc•ar<l a: Wmllm11Cs<l1ne<1 tnere· u r$ .Burn-1O, Nelly Mau1son & M1se :tee came attar <11nne -(stml)AYJ13, very warm l'a1r c1a1. My oats cut and .Jlay s .tacke4, ·r~ wm tayl.or wens to Col ·_M'a.<11aon• •• wel".'emet at Oourt nouse -by ·.r.ia.vio.r,J .1·a.y1or Jr, &&cI.~~J..or - w M.u.<11so1 was there. Yr Atacon & taro.1:L.,ywtt> came ·up last .night, & their usual 1'aw1,1.y Col ua<11s .o.n Jr, his w1te & 111ss Payne- - ,we wei'1\ up together( exce pt J. ?aylor) ot &: ret' d 1>acx- · 14, Fa.~r .morn1ng. very warm, Rain 1n even1ng.stack&d. rq liay yeaterdq• 2 .staeks &: l ·coek. coot:ea. my oats to ctaJ- 3 coot1 •.I was alone 1;, Clouay t1ay• some zn1st or smau· ~c1.1n..I was at home. 16, Pleauant aay. w.ia,y1or Banks <11ne<tthere. :rwnuy. & I went to c. Tay10r•s, J.ta.ylor, I pa.1<1Sqlly ·183".~or 4 dolla.ra J.TayJ.or Jr and Hr. on aooo • t or wo:rlt done by the 17, fair ple asant aa,. WmTaylor & l went. by o.TU¥lor•a,Wh0 w1t.n n1s ~agnters-Mr. &i w1re, went to a Barbecue at J.waugn•a given by lir.w •.san1ts1 w.l!ad1son W.Da<le ,Hay 1'.al1a..(erro, Oa_b 'l Ba:roo\lr &: J ,.'taylor Jr- A ~wneroua agreeable company was .(;resent- A gooa. _.Bart>eoue &:o 1ce &c • \V taylor came to iey nouse at n1gl t.Maoon -r - ... - - -- - -----rri · . ~ .-,ny b: /907Z in the Southern Historical Collection, 1 From the / ,.. Y .LOR u rT-r<- t ON TO University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSI PUBLISH MUSTBE REQUESTED . WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT. I; I.