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5 revisions | University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:22 PM 73l7cP,
it~ ) l:'llantec1 uweet pota toes-cuam .'lbar ,ausk. & wa.termol.on aee<l
1n t.ha 1,at on- ~be wau, .rmeion all or one sort , black aee<t~reu J;)Ulp. o. xay lor
&. .Ji"'.?.. went. to c~. .:,t wuxers M1ll . Flu.hen some time, unc.Le E ♦ Xay1o r,J as 1Xaylo:r. Hob•t '.i'ay1~1·,t. B.4t
r bour & .ras Tayler jr. went awl i:.1.1.r.t(Hl
at c~~pt Wu.lli:0ra,
w.m W~:iK~r • ij aon vn.1.1.1uu~ warJ tt10re • r J.c;o.ked ·· t
11~ve 1! l s1.:n{l l"o:r· 1.t. o~me home ii\t nl. t).lt.
15, weather cnaJ'l#;e!l coo1,cor1tlnuea
aomo wa1.r~ut p1oi1K
very <1ry. c.·.raylcr
i'<- E.l' . vmnt
an<1 am
J . '..i:a,YlOl"'~l°
weatner 000J. & omo:r..y
, .rorte to H. ~tay10 :r:-e wlic 1nten(U; to Mr u1·avea•s to-r;tcrrow •.
GI·a.vea sent woraa :ne intenct:r.~to tt.-cve tG>rKenttw~y 1n a. <":.fayor two.
17• Se!1t ceori;e ,11th my kear; tc Mr. oravee 1 fJ with hut •a ~.1:~y).c-i·1·or oomo tall nra.ncly
.ho brougti .t fi'JY~ez tib<..u t 8 ga.llonlil :t'UlllB t H,'1iwb(l a little
1n tne n.tgi1t & ro.oxnlll.g-,-but soon lert
Cl"i'- Sen t iii; got 3/'4 at
~ aJ:wat
!'ro.m Jos C.l.·rit•.rke. 1J..iJ..u1tert 1 ·1 l;•ecJ.c.t1Oy'-im~ aucr1.g the nmce.
1 9 , U,;;o• t '.l'Uylor,
l' .c-w.r
'JCur & ,l~ l'u.yJ.01:·J.r. cume nere w.1.u1
~uns tc .t..u..rit. l went
v;it.t l them~ :E. tay.1.0:r ?~ I. VK:nt tu wtw:re Mr • ..beli le 1~a1s1ng Lll:!Cl;ltono,
· tttJ 1 r
·t~ wr;t ~l tl1)re t,; tHsKen us te> a1.ne w1t!, him w 'c.t l we ~.l<t & ret•r.t 1.n tnr~ninf;.21•
Frost - <}romi.<tfrozen t.tiia morning - tlh :re .ua~i 00en s0veru.l amu.rt, ..::routs
tr11s wee•·.
u.uc:Le 1~. tay J.u1· .Rob• t ~a y--lor & Ja.1uesTaylor <ilr Cd bere--1-i1u.<1:plen ty ct Ptu...chHub' (1 ~'<iylor calltH
a.rter t11:r:i.r..1.er
& says orn.ves ls to set ot! tomo:trow & w1U
~1·ln '.' up oaJ..ance of
l3ran<1y b.V here~
21, went to sq J1:rrel .Bn.rb(rnue where Mr .Be11 ia r :.:.1s1:ug Lirnet:}tCl"lC J c. tayJ.cr ..:~;. ia.y-lo r ,r. ta.ylor, ttr . T . Boll & his sons,. T. Ba.rbour, J. Taylor Jr. , Rob t .t'aylu1 · •
. ,r.
Hub traJ"lo:r ~ R9U '1al{ lor • Mn,.1• r Lee · & tTOhn Moore i.~gro th .c:i:o & we fare rl wel l~
22 , [2urnrn,y] Le.st n1ght very cold w1rH1, Ice 1/l~ Il'lc .h tn10.t tn1s morning. kJ.J.led
1,Jt1.ve r:J ru1.ct tru i t • Reu ' aylor & Jolln J.toore •d1nea. ne1·0 • n.tte:r n1.ru.uf,1· n . 'l'aylor
cci.lled & ur .t;i•aves • bro,,tght U1e oalence ot the tell lira.ndy, sent ti keg ct it
to J'. 'tt\y.lo rs & t.1rP\.t;r,Jtt a .Jug t1ere - suppose tl1e Keg ~ or 6 Gallen.a & JU.g near
2 Galle.ms 7 quarto - Mr. Ox-avers~,as I::iOV1ng to Kentucky- saw J"cbn & ,dcw1o Pen1Ueton ii; 14r.~'U.tt going to J . 'l:aylors .. !£mt H. ·ra.ylor o/ - to ~a.y .w.r. a.r..::,vci.l.
Uh' t:: '.l'ayJ.o-r & .t't;.mily got liome .
23, \'lent tl: · ele eUon1 Har (iin m.u·H.ley ~ot, 32.5- ~.1,o.1·bour G29. OGrcton 2,4 !~ w. ooo re
lJl vot!~e . 1,0at Dl.Y oets wltn c.:eorter on tlie 1uect1on & ha<1 u, bott.lc 01'
Wlne - Ctq:it 1>owell & Ool tv hill
ca.mo wit.ti uo. 1·rom 1!;iect1on .
.~ Col Hli l . v1ont uNay art er BrE>akta.st ~ G. tayl.(: -f & m~11.·wont tc
Cui ;rt o.H<l ca.me t,o nrw.le ~:u..ylors to ~unner . o .Dlc~l:inon on.me t\t 1,11
:1l1t. I
y.1:ti.(l.6 /7½ tc> fi()b' t. W.1i,J.0011 ror l Curryccmb & urush & 1 (iQZ Lemcms.
2,, c . Dlckiruac:m \f'~H't to M.l:'11(
,k}Wtt~r(iS, we .not be1ne re~uty l'<}r h1m , and !3U:/S ho wUl
return wr.ie.n (Wne tr ere. Hain about 8 o• cloCk - went with. O.T\t t<; L:. r.i',.1.y10rt1,
,J:.iu1 r::e Hvb I t · & tt1e 1r wi vos ~ Gapt BU.
rnley .&; w1te ~ w.no r t en & Jae TayJ.or &
Wm ::i.oor{j 1it1.eit there,. tllu.r1t.1er,L1{thtning. a !1w:ii .!.:S
l1cwo:r er ru.tn &; sowo na.11.
t 111 n1-gr1t. wo camt) awr..iy
. Cwm.Mo
rton ma.. ,:Ulr.trer.t, (tln:t o 1· 1~ran1nu.s'i:aylor, VIJi.A]
26t r :r-(-,st.eo, t>t:VlJ..,Yla.'6t n1 gt1t ~ very unwell 1n mcrninc; 1 Ci.;1llY & then 1:evcrl.sti, continue<l all nay. Clouct.y & ;.;. tew drorJo o.t' ra1n. J?lu.n.te ~1 Irlsh 1:1uta,ttH3s.
21, o.1 ·a.yl.01· euJtta h~Jre t o ia~euKi:ast . o . tu.yl 1- r oet CJ.n:tQr carcllnewe~tJ:ier cieu.r.
I D.:nin better
noa lt h to-uay. Jaa '.raylor oame :-1e:reabouz; .l.l o• cJ.cciC \>Ut <iic1
not stay lOtlg, Vlanteu watel: · Melon & otl1e1~ seea.e . Wal.tr.cu to J • ':l:aylorc in
21+, ea,pt K<W
ev0n & rtsturuou .
by J. '.iia,ylora
·& 11.ifJ ao.o Ja.mes went
w1Ul me to
JJUll •t.ir.~e:reWf} .1'1ehec1
wra Glbeon came t.b(~re & we eor~~.Ht wainu.t PL.ulk > 25 ot cu.pt W,ukers 210 l"eet
iucn t .bh:~ - 1 o ·!' ii.tr, soot. ts ll1t 1'oet 2 inch thlck & "l-7 7t .teet, l 1nch tn1ok .
Gibacm to m.ak.e 'l'D-t>J..esi-or Y. r;c. ruHt to have tne :r-eraa.1n•gpl.ank to be settle:!
went to ci-m.rc11..Mr . wa(.tcUJ.l preac:t:ien. Dine<1 w1tn fteU. l'ay.lc>r & wu·e at nuo' <1
~e.yl(Jrs. !!:!rs Mad.ison sent aome l'U.rkey eg gs oy Peto r wt ch i1e brouQ'.1t the 30th
1ri t.he morninf~ •
__ _
... ....._..____ ' ,_
- - . -------- - -·-- --------- -From the
/,,CJ'r'J..01<. Ouia.~
Ii: /907.Z
in the Southern Historical
of North Carolina
Chapel Hill.