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4 revisions
University Libraries, UNC-Chapel Hill at Apr 02, 2020 07:22 PM


iano:a, 1786, DIARYQP lfa,ufQIS OASU ACCO~• 17g6 !tO ·uu.lu.r.tce OZl 1J.t.Ul<1 1 Apr1l Io Wlt10t 1'0 July . ;• :J "'-'-, I.,~ ......... J jl, AU;_;U.St l3:i 20, (l<J ♦ ,ql.-Jj, tlO. l, Pay DR, . a. ,.:,. 20. & 8 o• s on t:1.it.1't)01H1 to A.Mar\l.~ou 1 ,1, A JU.CKut 2.::, J.10 W)11Dt 2/ 1~1:,·,,u ... ic :rec•a ol' l,. o..~. i/ ,:_; :1-0 :i..·u. .v~c·• u ror whist 1sc-n 1·0 ~ !.%~ct ';/ ' 11,if O' 0 i.o. g._ u .l..6. 0 ';) lOi l. l./J ~lo 'J.'() c. '.i'L\fl.or >.r~c .rec• d o:C .A • .M.a.(1i~"><,m ~o C:ll.l)t Oc~.1.w(i,y 1 2 e 6 .• tl'l.e 8t.h j,_j"j 3/- (i. l.8. )/51 to :P(l PJ' !J04ln~o.,. l DU.t 2 H-J$, l1v Q:;O :l'~ylcr cio l ou.1nea to 2l. 28, JUn<l do 3j.-,. , - .\[5-7) a, .. s. 1. c;/2-t I) r ;.h 1 •. ~•o wrd.st 8ri~ 3.'rt~ec.t1 io tue 17tr1, io a.1•ay1or r!.O/- at c. :ray10:rs 1 1 ·5/.lU. 4' .. .3 0 0 2 i'1 2. 0 -0. 0 5. l •. s 4-!:i. * OJ\e.fl A000UlT2 1 ,_ CR • P~ld at Wil~ons etoie ror aw11r1ea )• J. t 6. ~. Wti..1.at i;1t coi•u Bur.nJ.eys 1~•· lO. Pr.l C.J?o.:eter j:r t:or ti.1 •~y:;.or sca:ut • ..Lg l • t~•. Pa1, 1 HCl r:1f;S 0.U ac•t i'/(.~S, o. .G.xpendt?1:33/l~ · •10 t11e 29 • :, / 1~~Lent l eube{t ~ayJ..or tllo 17th w' ci.1 1:10 WiUl t .o z·eturn t.111s aay out rt1aapwintoa l'or $alto 1/3 11 sugar 6t.h, 90. P(! c.~aylor · 3, cio the 26 tn, 7¼<1 Dy vmist i~/ ✓' M,ay c;...•.raylor (lO. llY !);1 Wm In 4ru.m for Dy do n. P<.:rt~3r · By whlat at Mrs Thomris•a 3/9, Nulls 2/6 July B.V J>'i ll!' s1·1e11r1erd .r:or:pr horse srioea ny p:.1 J Biclrnrs OH acco•t C,Taylor Ey 1,~t OH• s Fo.rter Jr ut~ l'cr part ·v 1r~1K 13:i !)(1 c t.l'>ickl..n k>On 1n p I t ,t'Qr work l'or r;. T. x,i.:;c~Hce:J t,ho 2;~1.1, :!. I- & :Pl' or1ont 3i Dy ,r.:; l~Y J.~t 111~5,r,uni.'.W.Veto buy rum to r~\ise G.l''S .i..i.CU$0 cra•r t,,) H.Ro·o1noon, .u\1 Ht·.i.'.t:.ylor~ i}J G !IT' ll acct l. BY 1,i:;. for sunc.r 10;;3 at MttJ • :r Lues,. .!?,WY 1:ia DJJ 1er at Al.COc.!C1 s l./ci > Wlll:Jt lOti.l, l/ 3 hy p,1 cr:a.sl.c-w ;t'cr 10 on1c1:on.:; l3y r•~l i.'or .l. qi· pS?.,liOr & ~ y 1a l'l 'b 'd at J"-li3e$ 1 c•..t1cl..n.o JJ~f f.:tl Col' o ..Bu:ra;ru l'or 1.1 ie11ces 3 / t , Hy IJ(t J\. Holwe :3 2/, 6, 1t.:x,1: Aug. ,. Gfl 1/- o" .. 2. 18. 2. o. i. l.2. J.. 0 0 ( >- 6 0 l.O ·i 0 5 3 6 0 0 0 :, 8 9 .,. 3. 2. l jj· 0 th 6. )(1 :r11r;r1au.;Q By _i.1(t 2 r r Bt'l.Cklt?$. 1 .3 0 s}.1.Ern, 5t L 1/h orse 2. renew' ·1.-; 2 .• l/9, Boy t he 9t.b.t 3<.1 l. :,;;y _p(i .t\>:r bl!~ Gauze at W1lr;1ons t~.. 16 • Dy 1,a w. Iri bro.m ror c • '! a.y1or ~Y 9 -----55. J..O. () 0 0 0 9 0 l .• ---- --- -----Collection, in the Southern Historical Z /i: /907tJ1A-1<.'r' /;:/Y.LO/<. From the FOR REFERENCEONLY: PERMISSION TO Chapel Hill. tibrary, of North Carolina University PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING:MOSTMANUSCRIPTSARE PROTECTEDBY COPYRIGHT. --