
This is an upload of the War Diary as held in Canadian Archives.


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-:- O F -:-

38th Canadian Battalion - 4th Canadian Division

FROM 1st Feb TO 28th Feb 1919


V O L U M E 31

Last edit over 1 year ago by Warlund
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38th Canadian Bn. 4th Canadian Division,

from 1st to 28th February, 1919.

Volume 31.

Diary Text 3 Pages.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Warlund
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31 Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages will be prepared in manuscript.

WAR DIARY or INTELLIGENCE Summary (Erase heading not required.)

38th Candian Infantry Battalion.

February, 1919

Sheet 1.

Army Form C2118.


Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

BOURGEOIS 1 Battalion in Training. Continuation of Platoon Competition. Battalion Cross-country race RSC in afternoon. Weather cold and dull with snow in evening. Battalion dance in evening.

" 2 Roman Catholic Church Parade to Parish Church, GENAL at 11.00 hours. Protestant church parade at SALLE CRAPS at 10.45. Weather cold & snowing. Battalion Dance in evening. RSC

" 3 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Football match between Right & Left Companies RSC in afternoon. Cold. N.C.O.'s dance in evening.

" 4 Battalion Route March. Educational work and N.C.O.'s class in afternoon. Lecture by RSC Captain Best, Y.M.O.A. on "Message from Home". Snowing

" 5 Battalion in Training. Lecture by Capt. IMRIE on "The Two Dreams of the Boche". RSC Sports in afternoon. Mild & dull

" 6 Route March - Battle Order. Officers & Sergeants' Drill Class. Cold. RSC

" 7 Battalion in Training. Educatioal Work. Officers & N.C.O's drill classes. Very cold. RSC

" 8 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Officer & Sergeants' Drill Class. Sports. Very COLD. RSC

" 9 Protestant Church Parade at 9.30 at SALLE CRAPS. R.C. Church Parade at Parish Church RSC GENVAL at 11.00 hours. Very Cold.

" 10 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Officers & N.C.O.'s Drill classes. Very Cold. RSC

" 11 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Officers and and N.C.O.'s drill classes. Lecture RSC on "Letter Writing" at 1.30 p.m. Questionnaires being completed for all ranks. Cold.

" 12 Baths for Battalion. Medical Inspection. Afternoon - Officers and N.C.O.'s drill classes RSC Fine. Battalion took over horses from 8th Army Bde.

" 13 Route March - Battle Order. Lecture on "lA?IRYING" by Lieut. TRENDELL. Drill Classes. RSC N.C.O.'s dance. Pay Parade. Fine.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Warlund
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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages will be prepared in manuscript.

WAR DIARY or (Erase heading not required.)

38th Canadian Infantry Battalion

Sheet -2-

Army Form C. 2118.

February, 1919 Confidential.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

BOURGEOIS 14 Battalion in Training. Educaitonal Work. Officers' & N.C.O.'s drill classes. Raining in even- RSC ing.

" 15 Battalion in Training. Battalion Dance. Formal opening of Battalion Athletic Club. RSC Board of Auditors convened for purpose of auditing Regimental and other accounts. Fine.

" 16 Protestant Church Parade at 09.30 hours. R.C. Church parade at GENVAL parish church at 11.00 RSC hours. Dull and Raining.

" 17 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Drill Classes. Fine. RSC

" 18 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Drill Classes. Sports in afternoon. evening. Football game between 38th and 12th Bde. Headquarters, Brigade winning 1 - 0. COLD. RSC

" 19 General cleaning up. Educational Work. Sports. Concert by Headquarters Company in evening. RSC Cold and dull. Lecture at 17.00 by Capt. OTTEWELL on "Canada of Tomorrow."

" 20 Battalion in Training. Education. Lecutre on Dairying by Lieut. Trendall. Fine. RSC

" 21 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Fine in morning with rain in evening. RSC

" 22 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Fine. RSC

" 23 Protestant Church Parade at 10.00 hours in Eataminet. R.C. Church Parade RSC Genval at 11.00 hours. Dull and cold.

" 24 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Drill class. Brigade Boxing in evening. RSC Brigade inspected by Corps Commander. Weather dull.

" 25 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Drill Class. Illustrated lecture on "Agriculture" RSC at 11.00 hours. During the absence of Lt.Colonel A.D.Cameron, MC, on leave, Major F.A.Rowlandson will assume command of the Battalion. Dull, and raining.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Warlund
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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages will be prepared in manuscript.

WAR DIARY or INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (Erase heading not required.)

38th Canadian Infantry Battalion.

Sheet -3-

Army Form C. 2118.

February, 1919. Confidential.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

BOURGEOIS 26 Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Sports in afternoon. 38th Battalion played RSC 78th Battalion soccer, result 1 - 1. Draw. Concert in evening by Right Company. Lecture on Venereal Disease. Fine.

" 27 Battalion Route March - Battle Order. Drill Classes. Weather fine, raining in evening. RSC

" 28th Battalion in Training. Educational Work. Owing to outbreak of Influenza public places of entertainment placed out of bounds to troops. The Brigade 3 miles of cross-country run RSC took place in afternoon. Won by 38th Battalion team. Weather dull.


Date of EFFECTIVE STRENGTH A T T A C H E D D E T A I L S RATION STRENGTH A.F.B.213 Officers O.R.'s Officers ORs. Officers ORs. Officers ORs.

Feb. 1 29 744 3 8 9 90 23 662 " 8 29 733 3 7 9 72 23 668 " 15 29 728 3 7 9 70 23 665 " 22 28 719 3 8 7 65 24 662

The Ration Strength is found by adding together the Effective Strength and the Attached Strength and subtracting the details.

F A Rowlandson Major Commanding 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Warlund
Displaying pages 491 - 495 of 524 in total