
This is an upload of the War Diary as held in Canadian Archives.


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38th Canadian Battalion - 4th Canadian Division

From 13th August to 31st August 1916

Volume 1

Last edit almost 3 years ago by MBrunsdon
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38th Canadian Battalion 4th Cdn Division. from 15th August to 31st August, 1916. Volume 1.

Diary Text 1 Page

Last edit 6 months ago by Capt Newcombe
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Original Confidential

38th Canadian Infantry Battalion War Diary For The Month of August 1916

SUNDAY 13th AUGUST 1916. - 38th Battalion marched from Bramshott Camp Liphook, Kants, England to Station at LIPHOOK, entraining there for Southampton at 2.30 P.M. Arrived at Station about 3.50 P.M. Embarked on troop ship "ARCHANGEL" about 5.00 P.M. Set sail about 7.30 P.M. Rough passage, many men sick. RBOS

MONDAY 14th AUGUST 1916. - Arrived at HAVRE, FRANCE, very early in the morning. Disembarked at 7.30 A.M. and marched to LARGE REST CAMP Number 1. RBOS

TUESDAY 15th AUGUST 1916. - Had a bathing parade for sea, but being too rough was postponed. RBOS

WEDNESDAY 16th AUGUST 1916. - Bathing parade to sea in morning. Marched from LARGE REST CAMP Number 1, to station in HAVRE and entrained about 10.00 P.M. "B" Company and part Machine Gun Section were left at Camp to clean up, etc., and to follow after. Left HAVRE about Midnight. RBOS

THURSDAY 17th AUGUST 1916. - Still on train enroute to destination. RBOS

FRIDAY 18th AUGUST 1916. - Detrained upon arrival at 4 A.M., Marching to St. LAWRENCE AREA, CAMP "A" STATION 3, arriving at this camp about 9.00 A.M. Lord Brooke in Command of Brigade. At night "A" and "C" Companies with their Officers went into the trenches for instruction. RBOS

SATURDAY 19th AUGUST 1916. - Balance of Battalion arrived early in the morning. In the afternoon Lord Brooke gave a short lecture to the Officers of the 38th. "A" and "C" Companies returned late at night from the trenches. No casualties or anything of importance occurred. RBOS

SUNDAY 20th AUGUST 1916. - Church parades held as usual. Routine. RBOS

MONDAY 21st AUGUST 1916. - Left ST. LAWRENCE CAMP at 10:00 A.M. and marched to CONNAUGHT AREA, encamping on arrival about 12.30 P.M.

TUESDAY 22nd AUGUST 1916. - Paymaster and Sergeant obtained cash from Field Cashier and paid Battalion in afternoon. Balance Routine. RBOS

WEDNESDAY 23rd AUGUST 1916. - Paymaster finished paying Battalion in morning. Remainder Routine. RBOS

THURSDAY 24th AUGUST 1916. - Routine. RBOS

FRIDAY 25th AUGUST 1916. - Broke Camp, CONNAUGHT AREA and marched to DEVONSHIRE AREA in time for lunch at noon. Routine afternoon. RBOS

SATURDAY 26th AUGUST 1916. - Marched out of DEVONSHIRE CAMP in the morning about 8.30 A.M. proceeding to QUEBEC AREA arriving about 11.30 A.M.. Afternoon routine. RBOS

Last edit 6 months ago by Capt Newcombe
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SUNDAY 27th AUGUST 1916 - "C" Company was detailed for special work and marched out at 8.30 A.M. for trenches. CHURCH parades were held. Remainder Routine. -- RBOS

MONDAY 28th AUGUST 1916. - Routine. -- RBOS

TUESDAY 29th AUGUST 1916. - Routine. -- RBOS

Wednesday 30th AUGUST 1916. - "C" Company returned to Camp. One casualty. Battalion (less details of 3 Officers and eighty-seven (87) Other Ranks) marched to trenches for instruction in trench warfare. -- RBOS

THURSDAY 31st, AUGUST 1916.- Battalion still in trenches, Three casualties reported to 12. o'clock noon. -- RBOS

RB O'Sullivan Capt for Lieut. Colonel. Comdr 38th Batt. Can. Expeditionary Force

Margin hand written initials RB O'S

Last edit 6 months ago by Capt Newcombe
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38th Canadian Battalion - 4th Canadian Division

From 1st September to 30th September 1916

Volume 2


Last edit over 1 year ago by Capt Newcombe
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 524 in total