


Status: Indexed

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C. 2118.

38th Canadian Inf Battalion.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Bourgeois BELGIUM. 21
Medical Inspection in morning. Inter-company football match in afternoon, resulting
in win for No.1 Company. Weather - clear. RSC

22 Training under Company arrangements. Arrangements being made for forthcoming move, horses ,
mules , and limbers being shipped away during the past week, an dalso the return to Ordnance
of equipment laid down in Mobilization List. Claims Board at work adjusting all claims,
and certificates being obtained from all billet owners that billets have not been damaged.
Weather - fair. RSC

23 Commanding Officer's Parade at 9.00 hours on Battalion Parade Ground. Steel helmets, having
been sanded, and the Battalion colours painted on them, have today been issued to all ranks.
Dance in evening in Circle Estaminet. Weather - cloudy and cold. RSC

24 Commanding Officer's Parade at 9.00 hours. Battalion Route March afterwards. Our move
has been postponed from 26th April to 29th. Dance in evening at Circle Retsminet. RSC

25 Commanding Officer's Parade at 10.00 hours. Lecutre by the Commanding Officer, Lieut.-Colonel
A.D. CAMERON, MC., in afternoon, at Salle Crap to all Officers and N.C.Os.
Battalion dance in evening. Weather - cold and cloudy. RSC

26 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours, formed up in hollow square on Parade Ground, and spoken to
by Lieut.-Colonel J. Kirkcaldy, DSC., Commanding 12th Canadian Inf. Brigade, regarding our
move. Battalion paid, commencing at 10.00 hours by Field Cashier, 4th Canadian Division.
Weather - cold, with frequent rain storms.

27 Battalion Church Services; Church of England Service held in Salle Crap at 11.00 hours.
Roman Catholic Service held in Parish Church, Genval, at 11.00 hours. Orders received that
we are to move on the 28th inst., in place of the 29th, and preparations being made
with two bands. Refreshments, and light beer served to all.
Weather - squally, and cold.

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