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43 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 10,1929
An important feature of the year was the dedication of The Alumni Memorial Auditorium on January 20,1929. The most outstanding event, however, was the installation of the Lambda chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Ohio University, in April, 1929, the charter having been granted at the National Convention held at Delaware, Ohio, in September, 1928.
The building of a Stadium is well under way just south of the present athletic field used by the University, and it is hoped that the Stadium will be ready for use in September of this year. Bonds for the construction of the Stadium were sold through the local banks, upon agreement with the officers of the University.
So effective has the relationship existing between the University and the Board of Education of the City of Athens been with regard to the use of the public schools of the City for teacher-training purposes, as well as the similat relationship existing between the University and the Board of Education of The Plains, that during the school-year of 1929-30 plans are under way to use the Mechanicsburg school, in addition, for teacher-training purposes.
Satisfactory practice teaching facilities for our students who are making preparation for teaching in city and rural schools are afforded thereby.
I have the honor to call your attention to an option which is in the hands of the Treasurer of the University pertaining to the Jennings property on East Union Street, Athens.
This is the eighth year of the present administration, which marks the conclusion of the second university generation of the present administration. Perhaps, I may, therefore, be permitted a few general statements relative to the prosperity that the University has enjoyed under the direction of this Board.
Within these eight years the attendance of bonafide students has doubled, the faculty has doubled, the pay-roll has been multiplied by three; but more gratifying than any of these advances has been the recognition that has come to the University by standardizing agencies.
Six years ago the University was elected to membership in the Association of American Colleges and Universities; two years ago the University was elected to membership in the American Association of University Women; in September, 1928, the University was elected to membership into Phi Beta Kappa.
The permanent assets of the University have increased more than eighty per cent (80%).
I have the honor to make recommendations, as follows:
1. I have the honor to request consideration of the option on the Jennings property.
2. I have the honor to request that the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees be instructed to proceed with plans and the letting of the contract for the construction of the Library, which will of course be under the direction of the State Architect.
3. I have the honor to request approval of the Report of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries, as follows, on separate sheets attached.
4. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of degrees and diplomas upon students in regular courses of study, as follows, on lists attached.
5. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of an honorary degree, as follows:
Master of Arts (A.M.)
Henry Clyde Shetrone......Columbus, Ohio
Respectfully submitted,
E.B. Bryan,
President, Ohio University.
It was moved by Jones, seconded by Hamblin and the motion was duly passed that the report be accepted.
President Bryan asked the Board to give consideration to the option to purchase the Jennings property on East Union Street. It was moved by Hopkins, seconded by Eikenberry and the motion was duly passed that the Jennings property be purchased for a price of $16,000.00 to be paid from the Local Fund.
It was moved by Eikenberry, seconded by Leete that the Building and Grounds and the Finance Committees be authorized and directed to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications and the letting of the contract for the construction of the new library for which the Legislature has appropriated the sum of $350,000.00. After some discussion the motion was duly passed.
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44 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 10,1929.
The report of the committee on Teachers and Salaries signed by Eikenberry, Crow, Hamblin and Bryan was presented. The report follows:
The undersigned, your Committee on Teachers and Salaries, present the following report.
We present for your consideration and action a list of employees to be selected, with salaries to be paid them, for the college year, 1929-1930.
Present conditions are such that some changes in the list of employees, submitted hereiwth, may be necessary in the near future. It is suggested that your committee be instructed and empowered to fill all vacancies in the working force that now exist, or that may occur hereafter, at its discretion.
R.E.Hamblin ( E.C.Eikenberry ( Fred W. Crow ( E.B. Bryan (
Committee on Teachers and Salaries
Athens, Ohio June 10,1929.
Elmer Burritt Bryan, LL. D., L.H.D. President.........$9,000
Edwin Watts Chubb, Litt.D., LL.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Professor of English......... 7,200
Thomas Cooke McCracken, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education and Professor of Education............ 7,200
Irma Elizabeth Voigt, Ph.D., Dean of Women and Associate Professor of Public Speaking........ 5,000
John Reed Johnston, A.B., Dean of Men, and Associate Professor of History...... 4,000
George Crawford Parks, Ph.D., Treasurer and Business Manager; Secretary, Board of Trustees; and Associate Professor of Income Tax... 5,400 ($1200 extra paid from Local Fund)
Frank Brown Dilley, A.M., Registrar....... 5,000
Irene Lucile Devlin, A.B., Executive Secretary......... 3,000
Clark Emerson Williams, A.B., Alumni Secretary....... 3,200
Emma Raybould Battin Cashier and Auditor...... 2,100
Mary Antorietto, A.B., Recorder....... 2,200
Margaret Naomi Lax, Secretary to the Dean of Women........... 2,000
Helen Corneil Roush, Assistant Registrar.............. 1,800
Geraldine Coe Hope, Alumni Stebographer.......... 1,500
Berthe Vickers Clerk in Registrar's Office......... 1,400
Alpha Baird Clerk in Registrar's Office...... 900
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45 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 10,1929
Lillian M. Barbour, A.B., Secretary to the Dean of the College of Education, and Director of the Bureau of Appointments...... 3,000
Velma Staneart, A.B. In Commerce Stenographer in Registrar's Office...... 1,440
Lucile Aurelia Margaret Friedrich, Secretary to the Director of Correspondence Study...... 2,400
Mary Vickers Erskine, B.S. in Ed., Assistant to the Registrar....... 1,200
Anna Lois Saum, B.S. in Ed., Director, Service Bureau...... 2,200
Grace Marie Johnson, A.B., Assistant to the Director of Teacher Training...... 2,500
John Alonzo Palmer, Assistant Business Manager.......... 3,000
Amt Morgan Cowan, A.B., Secretary to the Dean of The College of Arts........ 1,400
Mary Gertrude Pritchard, Stenographer in Treasurer's Office...... 1,600
Helen Laura McCune Secretary in the Office of the Dean of the Collefe of Education (Part time) $200-lst. sem.-$500-2nd.sem....... 700
Marguerite Acord, B.S. in Ed., Secretary in the Office of the Dean of the College of Education....... 1,500
Mildred Constance Andrews Secretary in the President's Office 20 Hours per week @ 30¢ per hr. Approximately...... 300
Helen Gleason, B.S. in Ed., Secretary to the Dean of Men........ 1,680
Margaret Mae Croy, Stenographer in Service Bureau.......................... 1,080
Louise Rowland Stenographer in the Office of the Dean of Women...... 300
Anna Elizabeth Mumma, A.B., Secretary in Office of Dean of College of Education..... 1,200
Nell Brooke Griswold Clerk in Registrar's Office...... 900
James Edward Householder, A.B. in Commerce, Assistant to the Dean of Men............. 1,800
Carnegie Library
Anne Claire Keating Librarian...... 3,600
Melba Roena White, A.B., B.S. in Ed., B.L.S., Assistant Cataloguer...... 2,000
Anna Elsie White General Assistant Librarian...... 1,400
Candus Mace Martzolff, A.B., Assistant Reference Librarian....... 2,000
Amy Allen, B.A., B.L.S., Reference Librarian................ 2,200
Dora Moore, Ph.B., Cataloguer......................... 2,400
Mildred Carolyn Chutter, B.A., B.L.S., Assistant Cataloguer............ 2,000
Janette Woolsey, A.B., Children's Librarian........... 2,000
Instruction - 10 months
Albert Algernon Atkinson, M.S., Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering...... 4,000
Charles Moffett Copeland, B.Ped., Director of the School of Commerce, and Professor of Accounting........... 4,000
William Fairfield Mercer, Ph.D., Professor of Biology...... 4,000
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46 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 10,1929
William Burdelle Bentley, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry...... 4,000
Hiram Roy Wilson, Litt.D., Professor of English...... 4,000
Lewis James Addicott, B.S., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, and Supervising Architect...... 4,600 (Includes $600 for Architect's service for year)
William Franklin Copeland, Ph.D., Professor of Agriculture...... 4,000
Thomas Nathanael Hoover, M.Ph., A.M., Professor of History...... 4,000
Willis Lloyd Gard, Ph.D., Professor of Education...... 4,000
William Alderman Matheny, Ph.D., Professor of Civic Biology & Botany...... 4,000
Mary Theodora Noss,M.A., Professor of French...... 4,000
William Hawthorne Cooper, A.M., Professor of Public Speaking...... 4,000
Robert Lacey Borger, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.......... 4,000
Joshua Romine Morton, M.S., Professor of Chemistry...... 4,000
George Evert McLaughlin, B.S. inEd., Professor of Industrial Education...... 4,000
Victor Whitehouse, A.M., Professor of Spanish...... 4,000
Isaac Emery Ash. Ph.D., Professor of Sociology....... 4,000
Robert Lee Morotnm, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics..............................4,000
Victor Dwight Hill, A.B., Professor of Classical Languages......4,000
Gerald Thomas Wilkinson, Ph.D., Professor of French & Spanish...... 4,000
Walter Sylvester Gamertsfelder, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy & Ethics...... 4,000
Harry Fletcher Scott, A.M., Professor of Classical Languages...... 4,000
James Pertice Porter, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor of Psychology...... 4,000
Clarence Cramer Robinson, Mus.M., Director of the School of Music...... 4,000
Ossian Clinton Bird, A.B., Professor of Physical Education, and Director of Athletics...... 4,800
Wilmer C. Harris, Ph.D., Professor of History...... 4,000
Clyde Edwards Cooper, Ph.D., Professor of Geography & Geology...... 4,000
Edwin Bert Smith, Ph.D., Professor of History and Political Science....... 4,000
Homer Virgil Cherrington, A.M., Professor of Economics...... 4,000
Clinton Nichols Mackinnon, A.M., Professor of English.......4,000
George Starr Lasher, A.M., Professor of English and Journalism....... 4,000
Albert Carl Gubitz, A.M., Professor of Economics......... 4,000
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47 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 10,1929.
Leonard Bliss Job, Ph.D., Professor of Education...... 4,000
Azariah Boody Sias, Ph.D., Professor of Education........ 4,000
John Ambrose Hess, Ph.D., Professor of German........ 4,000
Evan Johnson Jones, A.M., Associate Professor of History and Civics............... 3,600
Oscar Ellsworth Dunlap, M.S. in Ed., Associate Professor of Agriculture.......... 3,600
Frank Barnhart Gullum, M.S., Associate Professor of Chemistry.......... 3,600
William Henry Fenzel, B.C.S., A.B., Associate Professor of Accounting and Economic Geography......... 3,600
Mary Engle Kahler, A.M., Associate Professor of English....... 3,600
Harry Houston Peckham, A.M., Associate Professor of English...... 3,600
Raymond Mahlon Slutz, A.M., Associate Professor of English........ 3,600
Raymer McQuiston, A.M., Associate Professor of English....... 3,600
Frank Walker Reed, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics...................... 3,600
Brandon Tad Grover, B.S. in Ed., Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Basket-Ball Coach...... 4,400
Don. C. Peden, B.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Coach of Foot-Ball and Base-Ball.......... 4,400
Charles D. Giauque, A.M., Associate Professor pf Physical Education............ 3,600
Maude Ethel Cryder Matthews, A.M., Associate Professor of German........................... 3,600
Extension Division
George H. Crow, A.M., Professor of Education and Director of Group Extension.. 4,000
Alvin E. Wagner, Ph.D., Professor of Education...... 3,200
Simeon H. Bing, Ed.D., Professor of Sociology and Director of Correspondence Study 4,000
J. Floyd Dixon, Professor of Education...... 3,200
Marie Louise Stahl, Head of Art Department, College of Liberal Arts...... 2,800
Mary J. Brison, A.M., Head of Art Department, College of Education 3,200
Susan Louise Eckel, B.S., Head of Department of Home Economics........ 3,200
Melvia Lynch Danielson, Ed.B., Head of Department of School Music...... 3,200
Genevieve Apgar, A.M., Associate Professor of English...... 3,600
Henry John Jeddeloh, M.A., Associate Professor of Sociology........................ 3,600
Cornelius Winfield Fink, M.S., Associate Professor of Economics................ 3,600
Milo Kimball, M.B.A., Associate Professor of Finance.......... 3,600
Deforest W.Ingerham, B.Mus., Associate Professor of Violin............. 3,500