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Ohio University Record, Meeting Aug. 9, 1927 cont'd.

Dr. Bryan recommended and it was moved by Biddle, seconded by Wood
and the motion duly passed that the salaries of the Dean of the College of
Arts, Dean of the College of Education and that of the Treasurer be increased
in the amount of $1200 each.
The meeting was adjourned by President Bryan.

Athens, Ohio
April 19, 1928
Ewing Hall
11:00 A. M.
The Finance Committee and Building Committee of the Ohio University
Board of Trustees met in the office of President Bryan. The following
members were present: Hopkins, Biddle, Bush, Jones and President Bryan.
The plans and specifications covering the equipment for the new
auditorium were presented to the joint committees. It was moved by Biddle
and seconded by Hopkins, and the motion unanimously and duly carried,
that the plans and specifications as prepared by architects Howell and
Thomas, Cleveland, Ohio, be approved and that the State Architect be in-
structed to advertise for and receive bids to cover the purchase and in-
stallation of the necessary equipment out of the appropriation of $50,000.00
as made by the last General Assembly.

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