Ohio University Reord, Meeting July 6, 1927
Athens, Ohio,
Ewing Hall,
Ohio University.
The Building and Finace Committee of the Board of Trustees of Ohio
University met in the office of President Bryan. The following members
were present: Jones, Biddle, Bush, Wood and Bryan.
The Secretary of the Board read a communication from the State Architectm
Herbert B. Briggs, in which a recommendation was mmade to the Board that
contract be entered into with the following concerns for the purchase and
installation of equipment for the University Auditorium under an appro-
priation of $50,000 in H.B. #502, 87th. General Assembly.
His recommendations follow:
2867 Opera Chairs-American Seating Company,Chicago, Ill.... $20,085.96
Motion Picture Equipment-Walsh Electric Co. , Athens, Ohio..... 3,024.00
Stage Rigging-Peter Clark Inc. ,New York City ...... 3,775.00
Stage Scenery & Equiptment, Main Curtains and Valance- That
the bids be rejected and that more stringent specifications
be written and these items re-advertised.
The same recommendation was made covering bids received for Scenic Equipment.
For the asbestos curtain, recemendation was made that contract
be awarded-Novelty Scenic Studio, New York City......995.00
Olio, Tormentors and Borders, Cyclorama and Borders, Motion
Picture Screen-Ward Stilson Company, Cleveland, Ohio......... 1,861.00
Lighting Fixtures-Enterprise Electric Construction and
Fixture Company, Cleveland, Ohio...... 4,157.00
Stage Furniture-F.G. & A.Howald Company, Columbus , Ohio....... 1,195.00
Carpet-H.H.Sturtevent Merchandise Company, Zanesville, Ohio... 2,754.60
It was moved by Jones and seconded by Biddle and the motion was duly
and unanimously passed, that the State Architect,Herbert B.Briggs, be
authorized in enter into contracts with the aforementioned concerns
for the purchase and installation of equipment as set forth in his letter.
The Secretary read a second communication from the State Architect
in which the bids received June 15, 1928 for the purchase of Heating,
Lighting and Power Plant Equipment under an appropriation of $25,000
H.B.502, 8th.General Assembly, were recapitulated.
The only bid received that was within the estimate was as follows:
The Joseph L.Skeldon Engineering Company, Toledo, Ohio.
2One 450 H.P. Box Header Type Keeler Boiler and 450 H.P. Type
"E" Stoker.............................. $21,627.00
It was moved by Bush and Seconded by Wood that the State Architect
instructed to enter into a contract with the Joseph L. Skeldon Engineering
company for the purchase and installation of a 450 H.P. Boilder and Stoker
as per recommendation. The motion was duly and unanimously carried.
The meeting was adjourned by President Bryan.
Athens, Ohio
Ewing Hall
Aug. 9, 1927
The Finance committee of the Board of Trustees of Ohio University met in
the office of President Bryan. Members present were Wood, Hopkins, Biddle
and Bryan.
It was moved by Biddle, seconded by Wood and the motion duly passed,
that the State Architect, H.B. Briggs, be requested to secure the service of
Howell and Thomas of Cleveland, Ohio in connection with the purchase of
equiptment for the new auditorium, for the purchase of whivh equiptment the
legislature has approprited the sum of $50,000.
President Bryan spoke at length concerning approrpriations for personal
service and his reasons for recommending increases to be made as follows:
Full Professors to $4000
Assoc. " to 3600
It was moved by Wood, seconded by Hopkins and the motion duly passed
that the above increases in salaries be made.
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